The Curtain Call

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True to her word, Isabel had everyone out of the house and off the island by the following afternoon. After saying goodbye to the theatre troupe, an act which didn't take very long, Allie and her friends took the train back up to London. Hettie and Broker came also, as Broker and Newham had an Army parade later on the following week. Which of course meant Allie and Isabel had two extra guests in their little flat, and while Isabel kept her bed Allie rather unwillingly moved into the sitting room for a week or so.

During that week, Hettie received a letter from Amber, rather amusingly holding the solution to the fake murder that never took place. Hettie did read it out to the rest of the household, and everyone thoroughly agreed it was a very Cluedo-style answer, one with really no motive at all. As Allie pointed out, the real motive was actually obvious; for the sole reason of giving the guests a murder to solve.

After the Brokers left, life at 15A settled down nicely. That was, until the first letter from Fisher came through the post, a letter which Allie successfully hijacked and held to ransom, but due to her "good nature" she let it go without reading it. Truth be told, she didn't want to find out what Fisher was talking to her sister about. You never knew with love.

Wow. Book five done! I can barely believe it myself!
Allie's next case is called At The Plaza Majestic, where she ventures undercover once again to bust a high-society smuggling gang.
From what I know about my readers, you're either going to love it, or you're going to send me death threats. Oh dear.

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