chapter 1 dept

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There was a girl named fern she just loved to go shopping with her friends little did she know it might be her final time seeing them.

"Maya and hazel isn't this shirt so cute!" fern said excitedly " I'ma buy it."

20 minutes later* 

"Mom, I'm home," but fern heard no reply, yet she heard her mother say, "babe, we have so many bills to pay but so little time we're gonna lose the house." * She began to sob* 

Fern felt terrible because she was spending cash they didn't have on clothes '' "I'ma go return these I don't need them " she grabbed her bags and walked back out she was about to get to the subway when she saw do not cross paper surrounding it fern let out a loud "ugh" as she googled a new route to the mall fern found herself walking in a dark empty alleyway fern was already scared when she felt someone slightly grab her shoulder fern let out a loud "ahhh" it was this tall man in a suit he seemed to have. To colored cards would you like to play a game? "Creep" fern said walking away quickly . "Fern l. Dale 17 years old parents in debt of 3.4 million won," "am I correct"? Fern almost froze in shock "how did you know all that?" "I'll ask again, would you like to play a game if you lose I'll smack you, if you win you get 100 thousand won", "fine". Fern said "how do you play?" Before I answer "blue or red? "Uhm red". Oki after around 14 smacks fern had won "Yesss" fern said the man handed her the cash ferns eyes almost grew twice their size when a brown card fell out of the stack of cash "what's this"? "A job opportunity before you ask," "you receive 70,000 dollars won a week". "May I think about it?"

Hello I hope you like the 1st chapter I'm sorry it's so short but please comment if there are any errors thank you.

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