ii. a picnic for two

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Judith strolled down a dirt path scanning for the spot Desiree told her of

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Judith strolled down a dirt path scanning for the spot Desiree told her of. her fingers hooked around the basket handle, knuckles facing the front. she taps her thumbs together nervously. still walking, she spots Desiree sitting patiently, reading the same book that she first saw her with. Desiree looks up from her book hearing Judith coming near.

"hello there Judith." she says putting the book down beside her. sitting on a blanket, with plum stripes, she opened up a large mason jar filled with tea and ice cubes. Judith joined her on the blanket, setting down her basket.

"hi beau- Desiree." Judith's face reddens at her mistake. Desiree laughed and poured the tea into two cups. "thank you.."

 "I hope it tastes to your liking, it already has sugar in it." Desiree said, taking out a container of already cut lemons. "lemon?"
"always." the brunette answered picking up two lemon slices, squeezing them into her cup. she took a sip and her face lit up. "it's delicious!" the raven haired woman smiled big at the compliment.

"the weather is nice today." Judith commented.
"it really is." Desiree agreed as she adjusted her sun hat.

they continue taking bites out of their sandwiches. Judith made them with ham slices, lettuce, cucumbers and ranch with a hint of salt and pepper. 

Desiree noticed a little bag of multicolored sandwich swords. a smile formed on her face as she picked up the bag and took out a blue one tossing a yellow one at Judith, the plastic almost snapping in the brunette's hand. 

Desiree set her food next to her basket. they started sword fighting, giggling as the tiny swords clink. they moved their bodies; forward and back and side to side, dramatically. Desiree fell into Judith uncontrollably laughing, their faces hurting.

Desiree rolled onto her back, putting her head on Judith's stomach. they stared up at the sky, watching the fluffy clouds. although they had only known each other for a small amount of time, it was as if they had known one another for awhile. the sound of silence was comforting as long as they were together.

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