Chapter 2

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Someone opened the door.

"I'm almost-" I began before I tackled to the ground, unable to finish my sentence.


I started to scream, I thought someone was attacking me. Then I realized I was being slobbered on by something? I opened my eyes to reveal a very excited basset hound puppy.

Dustin walked into the room laughing uncontrollablely. "I guess you two have already met!"

I got to my feet finally and wiped dog hair off of my skirt, "Dustin, why is there a puppy in my room?"

"Dad just gave him to me; he said it was my birthday present."

"Aww! What are you going to name him?"

"I don't know yet, I'll come up with something soon," then he looked to the puppy and patted his lap with his hands, "come here, boy!"

The puppy tried to run to him, but tripped over his long ears and ended up colliding with Dustin's legs. We both couldn't help but laugh. It was too adorable!

"Reagan, you ready?" Mom asked coming into the doorway behind Dustin picking up the puppy.

"Yep! What are we going to do with pup though?"

"We're going by a little dog care service that we're going to drop him off at for a little while. He'll be alright, but if we want to make it there and be on time for where we're going we have to leave now."

** An hour later **

We had arrived at a fancy looking restaurant. Dad pulled into a spot that was close to the front door of the building.

"This looks quite elegant," Dustin said while pulling up.

"Wow, Dustin, using those big words. Good job!" I sarcastically said to him and gave a thumbs up.

He looked at me with annoyed eyes but a smile on his face as if saying "that was funny, but are kidding me?"

We got out the car and walked to the door. A boy who looked about 19 or 20 held the door open for four other boys along with us. He had gorgeous brown eyes and brown hair that was in a quaff, I think that's what it's called. He was taller than me by a good 2 or 3 inches, and may I say he was quite attractive. I had never seen this boy but there was something about him that pulled me to him. I can't describe what it was or what it felt like exactly.

Just then he looked at me; my stomach dropped. What the heck is going on? I don't even know who this kid is and yet I have this weird feeling about him. A good feeling, nonetheless, but still a feeling. He gave me a very humble smile and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Thank you," I said to him as I walked by for holding the door open.

"You're welcome," he replied. He had an accent, British I think it was?

As the door closed, his body walked behind mine through the other door leading into the restaurant. When I noticed he was behind me, I realized I was slouching and stood up straighter. I guess he noticed me because I heard a slight chuckle coming from behind me. My head turned around slowly and I saw he was looking down at me smiling. I smiled back showing little bit of teeth and let out a little laugh that mostly consisted of breath.

"Way to go, Reagan, embarrass yourself in front of a cute British guy. Good job," I thought to myself as I turned my head back around.

"Table for four?" Asked the hostess.

"Five," replied a blonde boy, who too had an accent. I think his was Irish though, why would a British boy and an Irish boy be together?

The hostess looked up at the blonde boy, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped a tad. Then she looked around to the other three boys. She was counting in her head, you could tell. She then looked confused, but kept searching for something or someone with her eyes. Her eyes looked past me until she met eyes with the boy behind me. Her face went white and a smile appeared on her face. Then her eyes met mine, total disgust washed over her face.

"He has a girlfriend?" She asked to herself, but came out louder than she expected.

Another boy with lightish brown hair in the same style as the boy behind me looked back at him and then at me. His face turned into confusion right away, "Bradford boy? Nah, he's single," he said, then he continued very quietly "that girl could change that though, she's hot."

What did he just say?

A curly haired boy looked at him kind of angrily; he said the boys' name under his breath.

He smiled at him like he was laughing and apologized.

"Right this way then," the waitress said to the boys leading them away.

The boy who held the door open for me gave me a smile and waved before leaving. I kindly smiled and waved back before they walked away.

"Who was that boy?" Mom asked with a wink while nudging my shoulder.

"I have no idea," I replied with a half smile, still staring as the brunette boy walked off.

"He's cute," Dad said plainly out of nowhere, pulling me out of my daze.


"They all were."

"Mom! Stop it you two!"


Throughout the night, I had gotten poked in the back by the boy who had called me hot earlier (who was seated with the rest of the boys behind us), sorry-smiled at by the boy who held the door open for us every time I turned around to look at the other boy once he poked me, elbowed by Dus when he started eating (he's a lefty while I, on the other hand, am a righty when it comes to eating and writing. And of course he had to choose the window seat which made me have to sit on the left side of him), and had to sing "Happy Birthday" to Dus with everyone else. It wasn't too bad of a night.

Dad gave our waitress, Alice, his credit card. She smiled as she walked away with the little piece of plastic in her hand.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom before we leave," I said as I was getting up.

"Okay. Hurry back soon. It shouldn't be too long before she comes back."

I nodded and proceeded to leave.

I was almost to the women's room when there was a hand on my shoulder. Startled as I was, I jumped a bit and turned around quick.

It was the boy from earlier, "Sorry, love, didn't meant to scare you," he said sincerely.

"Oh, it's just you. It's alright! I'm just a little jumpy," I replied.

"I'm just a little jumpy? Who says that? Damn it, Reagan..." I thought to myself.

He laughed, "I can tell. I just wanted to say sorry for Louis poking you in the back throughout dinner. He can be a bit immature sometimes."

"Oh it's fine. It got kind of annoying after a while though, but it's all right."

"Okay. Good. Just wanted to clear that up," he looked a little nervous for some reason. He started to turn away from me.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" I managed to say while he turned away.

He immediately turned back around, "yes?"

"Sorry if this sounds weird, but who are you? You look familiar."

"You don't know who I am?" He asked kind of shocked.

"No, sorry."

"I'm Zayn Malik."

And that's when it clicked. He was in the one and only, One Direction. The boy band my friends had been obsessing over for years. And I was meeting a member of it.

I Just Wanted to be a Singer (A One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now