Chapter 4- "Problems and an Explanation"

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As everyone at each of their booths were chatting happily, eating, and just talking with each other and enjoying each other's company, a door slammed open.


Tubbo and Ranboo looked over to Tommy, who's colour was draining from his quickly as a trio of boys started walking towards his table.

One wearing a white smile mouth covering and a green hoodie, another wearing a white bandana and a flame logo on his shirt, and the last boy wearing white glasses over his eyes and a blue shirt.

"H-Heyyyyy! Dre-Dream my fr-frieeeeend...! ..what did I do now?" Tommy says stuttering and sweating from being towered over by the three taller men.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN "WHAT DID YOU DO"?! You trashed George's treehouse!!! It almost fell apart!!!"

"Ohhhh! To be fair! It was the perfect crime!" Tommy said, fueling Dream's anger.

"THAT'S IT! We're going to court! Enjoy your lunch, see you outside on the tracks." Dream said, while grabbing the collar of Tommy's jacket while Tommy just stuck his tongue out at the taller man.

Dream let go of Tommy, throwing him back in the booth before leaving with the guy with the bandana, and the shorter male who they all assumed was George.

Tubbo glanced at Tommy. "Tommy?-"

"I'm doneeeeee Tubbo I need Big Law," Tommy whines out, putting his head in his hands in defeat.

"Is it really that bad?!" Ranboo yells out, extremely confused and worried for his new friend.

'What did this motherf*cker do?' Tubbo thought, looking at Tommy.

"It's not that," Tommy said as he lifted his head up from his hands. "I'll be fine I just don't want him to blame the new guy from school."

"WHAT!? What did you do?!?!?" Tubbo exclaimed and questioned loudly.

"AhHhHh- so- In the morning I was walking to school, and I saw Techno and the new kid talking. So of course, I went to say hi, but the blade was already leaving."
"The new guy was surprised but they didn't seem to mind me walking with them to school- so we talked a bit. He ain't much of a talker, I'll tell you that much.

And that's when I saw George's house."


"Wanna go in? I still got the key-" Tommy asked Ranboo, pointing up at the house.

"You sure about this?" Ranboo asked nervously.

"No lol"


"So, we 'pranked' George a little bit..."

"A 'little bit'!?!?" Tubbo yells at the already ashamed boy.

"I know-"

"You know he's not gonna message me back if he ends up in trouble Tommy-"

"So, will you blame the other guy...?" Ranboo asks Tommy, looking away from the duo and looking a little nervous.

"What? No! Weren't you listening?" Tommy asks Ranboo with a confused look on his face, causing Ranboo to look back at Tommy.

"I want to take all the blame. The thing is, I don't know what proof they got," Tommy continues, crossing his arms and putting them on the table.

"You better."
"Oh shut up Tubbo," Tommy says spearing an annoyed look at the shorter male.

"Best case," Tommy begins, putting his hand on his cheek and leaning on it. "I only get to do community service, maybe restore some old tracks? Still, it's kinda annoying," Tommy finishes, huffing in defeat.

"Here's your order! Eat up, and good luck later Tommy," Niki says as she comes up to the groups table and placing their food and drinks down in front of them.

"Thank you, Niki!" The group says, eager for their food and drinks.

Tommy and Tubbo looked over to Ranboo before eating and could see he was happy about his burger, when they realized something...

"Wh- Ranboo- How will you eat with your mask ok?" Tubbo questions, smiling slightly.

That's when Ranboo remembered he hadn't done a face reveal to them yet...

"Face reveal time!?" Tommy yelled, jumping out of his seat, and leaning across the table to Ranboo.

Suddenly, without a word, Ranboo started digging through his bag, causing the two other boys to turn to each other and look at each other in confusion.

That's when Ranboo pulled out a hat, and a one-way see-through scarf, to cover his face.


"NOOOOOOO DAMMIT!" Tubbo yelled, covering his face with his hands, and leaning back in defeat.

"PFFFFFFFF HOW!?" Tommy yelled, cackling with laughter at the fact Ranboo was so prepared.

(#Proudboo #PreparedBoo)

Word Count: 737

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