"Chapter 2" "The Race"

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~In the changing rooms~

"Phil said this is one of the biggest bets. I just wished it was skateboarding instead," Tommy spoke to Toby as he was putting on his roller skates.

"Well maybe we can get some ice-cream afterwards?" Toby asked, passing Tommy over his helmet, and grabbing his own mask out of his bag.

Tommy smiled and said "Maybe," Before putting on his helmet and standing up with Toby, walking out of the changing rooms.


"And now, The Red Devil!" The announcer yelled into to the microphone.

"Innit to Win it," Tommy mumbled behind his mask, walking next to Tubbo.

"Welcome home Theseus!"

"Techno!" "Mr. Blade!" Tommy and Tubbo yelled out as Technoblade came over and put his arms over the boys' shoulders, chuckling.

"Wanna go see the competition?" Wilbur asked as he walked along side Tommy, Tubbo and Techno.

"Is it Dream?" Tommy questioned

Wilbur shook his head, "No not this time."

"Heard the kid is pretty good," Techno spoke up.

"Who are they?" Tommy questioned again, getting a little bit frustrated about not knowing who he was up against.

"Well," An unknown voice spoke up.

"You could say I'm the Beloved"

"YO! Looking good king!" Tommy spoke up, looking up at the taller person.

Tubbo held his hand out, "Spare some gender boss-man."

"Thank you, Thank you. You look good as well, say you both free later?"

(Techno and Wilbur in the distance: "Are they flirting?")

"SKATERS! To the starting line!!!"

"Well, I'll see you after- and maybe 6:30, here on Friday?" The Beloved asked the two boys as he clipped on his helmet.

Tubbo nodded, "Yep!"


"On your marks!"
"Hey Tubbsters?" Tommy spoke to Toby through a microphone he had in his helmet.

"I was thinking what if we change my costume?"

"Get set!!"

"WHAT? I just think I look funny, like some kind of race car man"

"We can talk after! Pay attention!" Tubbo yelled at Tommy, with a laptop resting on his legs with a map of the course on it and the skaters on as well.

"You got a good head start, keep it up," Tubbo spoke, watching the map and dots of the racers.

"Got it!" Tommy yelled back, concentrating intensely.

"How's it looking Tubster?"
"Not bad right now, careful on the next turn though."

"Wait what??" Tubbo asked, a bit confused as he watched the laptop.

"Is something wrong??" Tommy asked worriedly.

"Someone is catching up to you-" Tubbo leaned forwards to try and see who. "Ranboo??"

"I see him!" Tommy spoke through the microphone. "HOW IS HE SO FAST?!?"

"Long legs?" Tubbo questioned.

"On your left!" Ranboo called out as he went flying past Tommy.


"Later strawberry!" Ranboo called out, throwing a peace sign behind him at Tommy.

"Three stairs up ahead- Focus! You can still catch him!" Tubbo spoke.

"I hope..." He whispered.

"I HEARD THAT!" Tommy yelled angrily.

'Are those stairs?! Shoot- I don't want to loose the advantage I got- W E L P" Ranboo thought to himself before jumping up, and sliding down on the rails


"HOW DID HE DO THAT?!?!?!?!" Both Tommy and Tubbo yelled at the same time, baffled at what stunt Ranboo just pulled.

"Tommy- don't try and do the same thing," Techno spoke up loud enough for Tubbo's mic to pick it up, as Phil, Techno and Wilbur were watching the race, standing next to Tubbo.

"But why?!" Tommy whined back.


"Tubbo get me some info on this Ranboo fella."


As much as Tommy wanted to try and re create what Ranboo did, he listened to Techno, and skidded down a messy cardboard piece the people who run the event put down, but the problem was is that Tommy lost some speed by going down it.

"Dang it! I can't find that much info on Ranboo-" Tubbo muttered to himself.

"Tubsters! What's up next!?"

"Obstacles! Get ready to jump!"

"Got it!"

Both Ranboo and Tommy were up to the obstacles, Tommy trying to catch up to Ranboo.



"The Beloved? Did I say that right?"

The announcer called out as Ranboo went over the finish line, holding his hands up in peace signs, with Tommy crossing the line shortly after Ranboo.

"Oi! Good run Mr. Beloved," Tommy came over to Ranboo, putting a arm around his shoulder.

"Thank you! You too, you good man?"

"Well, we'll see ya tomorrow, Friday," Tubbo spoke up as he appeared next to Tommy.

"This was fun, I hope we race again soon," Tommy spoke as he took off his helmet.

'Wait they are the ones from school!' Ranboo thought to himself.

"Yeah, well later strawberry!" Ranboo responded, a hand behind his head and waving to the duo.

"See you tomorrow gender man, heh" Tommy called out as he walked away with Tubbo, Wilbur, and Phil.

"Mhm! I'll see ya both tomorrow!"
"Bye boo!" Tubbo called out.

"Hey kid, you got a moment?"

Ranboo turned around to see The Blade standing behind him.

"Uhh- sure?"

Word Count: 851

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