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     The bell rang signaling that the school day was over. You gathered your things and walked out of class, headed to your locker. You put the books that you had in your locker and swapped out some for the ones that you needed. Then, you heard some footsteps and then a rattle coming from the locker next to you.

    "Well then, seems like we are locker buddies as well." Jaehyun laughed as he took the lock of his locker.

     "Coincidentally so, eh?" You replied as you shut your locker, placing the lock on it.

     "So, you still coming over to my house?"

     You almost forgot that he invited you over so you can work on that psych project. You nodded and waited for him to be done. Once you heard his locker shut, you turned off ur phone and looked at him.

     "We can walk to my house if you'd like. It's like a 6 minute walk from the school." Jaehyun offered, giving off a soft smile that just barely made his dimples appear.

      You nodded your head and the two of you walked out of the building and were en route to Jaehyun's house.  Most of the walk was in silence, up until you broke it.

      "Jaehyun, so uhh, tell me a bit about yourself. Ya know, since we're supposed to get to know each other for this project and i really only know you as the cute guy in my psych class and like-"
     "Woah, woah, woahhh!! You think I'm... cute?" Jaehyun said with a smirk on his face, a light chuckle following suit.

     You didn't realize you were rambling and ended up having that slip out make your cheeks flush a rosy red color, stopping in your tracks.

      "Uhhhhhhhhhh, t-that's not what i meant?! Well I mean, you are cute don't get me wrong but, I didn't-" You kept on stumbling over your words trying to cover up what you just said, failing to do so. Jaehyun couldn't help but laugh at you, making you blush even harder. This time, because of embarrassment.

     "Jiyoo-ah." Jaehyun said while grabbing your shoulders, "here, eat a snickers because you get a little flustered when your hungry." He handed you a fun-sized snickers bar, giving you a wink before walking ahead of you.

      You stood there for a good five seconds; just staring at the chocolate in your hand before snapping out of your thoughts, making you run ahead to catch up with Jaehyun.

     "Hey! G-get back here you flirt!"
yay another chapter done! I hope this made kinda sense. so know Jaehyun is aware that Jiyoo (aka the reader) thinks he's cute. What will he do with said information? (other than add it to his notes for the project), and better yet, does he find Jiyoo cute?

𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐲- 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐣𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧Where stories live. Discover now