Domestic Affairs in the Four-Seasons Manor

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A low voice tickled Zhou Zishu's ears, as his entire body was wrapped up in a tight embrace by the sleeping man beside him. Zhou Zishu's eyes were misty from sleep, as he looked around the room. Warm mellow sunlight penetrated through the windows, colouring the wooden floor, which was littered with discarded clothes, with a pale golden hue. On the bed, the two men laid entangled with one another, their naked bodies engraved with evidence of their love making the previous night. Zhou Zishu looked down at Wen Kexing who was nuzzling into the crook of his neck. He tried to sit up on bed, but he was annoyingly pulled down by the clingy person, surnamed Wen.

"Lao Wen."

"Five more minutes..."

Zhou Zishu gave a little sigh and finally pried himself away from the grasps of Wen Kexing's roaming paws. Sticky with sweat from last night's vigorous activity, he soaked himself in a tub filled with warm water. He relaxed as he breathed in the musky steam that rose from the water and washed himself thoroughly. As he stayed in the tub with his eyes closed, another figure approached him from behind, enveloping him in a hug. Wen Kexing ordered him to move a bit in a husky voice and got into the tub himself. The wooden tub was really too small to fit two grown men, so Zhou Zishu ended up between Wen Kexing's legs, as the other man brazenly had his hands all over Zhou Zishu's body, not letting him go. Zhou Zishu felt the cold soft lips of Wen Kexing trail along his neck, sometimes licking at the fading bruises of his bite marks that stood glowing upon Zhou Zishu's pale skin.

"Ah-Xu, my back hurts... you were really rough last night."

"Hmph, serves you right." Zhou Zishu retorted and splashed the man behind him with a handful of water.

After their little hot tub rendezvous came to end, they got dressed in their robes. Wen Kexing hummed a little tune as he carefully brushed Zhou Zishu's hair, pining it into place with a simple crown. He enjoyed doing his 'Ah-Xu's' hair every morning and would sometimes try out different styles, which Zhou Zishu endured with great tolerance. However; today, it was just a casual high ponytail, a look that Wen Kexing thought suited his husband best. Then, they pursued their daily routine. Zhou Zishu would train Chengling who obediently waited while sweeping the courtyard. Chengling had a strong core and was able to grasp the concept of the techniques, although, he was clumsy and almost looked comical performing the graceful moves. However; with time, he had improved a lot under the tutelage of Zhou Zishu and sometimes Wen Kexing who taught him all sorts of underhanded tricks secretly.

During the master-disciple training, Wen Kexing busied himself in the kitchen making breakfast. At times, he would complain to the other two how he was the only one going all over the manor doing chores and that no one was helping him. Zhou Zishu and Chengling would sometimes try to help in the kitchen but would mostly end up being driven out by Wen Kexing due to their poor cooking skills. In the end, Wen Kexing could only run his mouth and continue to chop his vegetables angrily.

Wen Kexing had his long hair tied loosely and his wide sleeves rolled up as he skillfully wielded the cleaver to chop down on the green onions, slicing them into thin rings. Then, he attended to the pot of congee that simmered over the fire. Efficiently, without any unskillful people to disrupt his flow of work, he put together a plate of white baos, three bowls of warm congee that had green onion and ginger sprinkled onto it and a set of teacups. He brought the tray out of the kitchen and set it upon the little table in the courtyard.

"Ah-Xu! Little brat! Come eat!"

The family of three sat down at the table and gratefully ate their share of portion. Chengling stuffed is mouth with the fluffy warm bao, nearly chocking on them.

"Little brat, slow down. None of us are going to steal it." Wen Kexing scolded him and laughed.

Chengling blushed and washed down his throat with some warm tea. He was a growing teenager and his body required a lot of food to satisfy his hunger. Morning practice made it worse and he could barely contain himself at breakfast, his stomach crying out for food to be put in. Zhou Zishu shook his head as he raised his flask to drink wine from it. However; it was stopped by a pale hand before the sweet wine could enter his mouth. He looked at the owner of the hand.

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