Moments that are cherished

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"Ah, two best friends enjoying their time together." He hands Adrien his ice cream then looks at Y/n, "A scoop of coconut, that's black in the outside, but sweet in the inside, a scoop of butter pecan his hair, and a scoop of green tea like his beautiful eyes."

They ate their ice cream together and walked around Paris, till the sun was setting. They went to the top of the Eiffel tower and looked at Paris's beautiful view. Adrien smiles, "Isn't it beautiful Y/n."

She softly smiles, "It sure is Adrien. And I'm so glad I get to spend it all with you. You really made my day." They head in the elevator, she looks down, "Honestly it's the best time I've had since my dad couldn't spend time with me and—"

She stops herself as she felt her tears coming up, she clings onto her arms once they reached to the bottom, "I have to get home." and she runs off with Adrien concerned.

He quickly chases after her, "Y/n, wait!" She kept running to her home, ignoring his calls. He wouldn't stop till she tells him what's wrong, he eventually caught up to her and grabs her arm.

"Y/n what's the matter...Why did you run off like that?" She avoids looking at him, he noticed, "Why aren't you looking at me, did I do something wrong?" She shakes her head no.

"Then please tell me...." She softly spoke, "I can't..." she got out of his grasp and runs home, Adrien shouts, "Y/n!" He didn't chase after and instead headed home to cause less suspicion, he wasn't just going to stay at home.

He wanted to know what's going on, he transforms to Chat Noir and heads to her house. Y/n ran inside her house and shuts the door, she heads to her room and starts crying onto her pillow. "Damn it....I shouldn't have run off like that...."

She throws her pillow across the door, hitting her door. She then leans near the window and continues to cry, Chat Noir made it to her room window and taps on the glass. She looks over to see Chat Noir on the other side.

Chat Noir sees her tears coming out of her eyes, she opens the window to let him in, "Y/n, what's wro—" she cuts him off by hugging him, "I'm sorry.....I just needed a hug...."

He hugs her tightly and gently rubs her back, he softly spoke, "It's alright Y/n....I'm here." He wipes her tears, "Now tell me what's wrong..." she softly sighs, "It's my dad....he works so hard to keep us comfortable and safe, I can't help but feel selfish and want him home with me....."

She looks down, "I want to help my he wouldn't have to feel guilty....but what can I do now...." He gently rubs her cheek, "I know that things are difficult with your dad working all day, but I know that you can do whatever it takes to help him."

He holds her hand, "But you don't need to rush, it takes time and I'm sure you'll be able to spend time with him." She rubs her eyes and softly smiles, "Thanks really are my hero...."

He gently smiled, "Of course....princess." She looks up at him as he looks at her, "Is that...alright if I call you that..." she hugs him gently, "Yes...." She leans by her bed frame, "I'm really glad to have you to talk to."

She then looks away ashamed, "I have to tell Adrien that I'm sorry for running off like that, I'm sure he'll want an answer to why." He sits next to her, "I'm sure he'll understand, after all he's your best friend right."

She nods, "Yeah, I'm so glad to have him too." Chat then heads out through the window, "Seems like my work is done, take care Y/n." But before he could leave he felt her arms wrapped around his stomach.

He looks over at Y/n slightly blushing, "Chat....I...I...I want to tell you that....even though you love ladybug, remember that I love you too....." he then starts to blush as she lets go of him.

She softly smiles and closed the window, he went to the rooftops and sat down, She does love me.....but....will she love me for who I am.....I don't know....after all....I'm just her friend....

He then went back home and detransformed, "What a lot to process....." he lays down on his bed and looks through his phone, he looks over the pictures of ladybug, I should move on from her.....but I can't.....tomorrow is Valentine's Day.....

And I'm super nervous of how Y/n will react, I don't know what to do....I have to choose.

Next day

Adrien got up and get ready for school, his mind was still full from thinking about ladybug and Y/n's confession. He was so distracted that he didn't noticed Y/n calling for him. "Adrien!"

He looks up and sees her, "Oh hey Y/n." She pouts, "Why didn't you say anything when I was calling you? Is something on your mind?" He rubs his neck, "Yeah, but it's nothing really."

"If you say so, oh and I got you this." She hands him a chocolate rose, "Happy Valentine's Day Adrien, I know it's early but I wanted to give it to you since you are my best friend."

She smiles as Adrien takes the rose, "Wow, thanks Y/n. Wait, but I didn't get you anything..." she softly chuckles, "It's ok Adrien, I really don't mind. Now let's go inside."

The charming kitty and his princess (Chat Noir x reader)Where stories live. Discover now