Sending secrets

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Once Adrien finished the battle with dark Cupid , he detransformed in his room and Plagg starts laughing, "Hahaha! Can you believe all the horrible thoughtless things you said to Ladybug?"

"You think it's funny, huh?" He groans, "Ugh!"
Plagg finished eating, "What's the big deal? You've got so many cards from all these lady fans of yours! Take your pick!" he chooses, between all the cards and he picked a heart-shaped one by tossing the card to Adrien while he is laying facing down on the bed while he is closing his eyes.

Adrien sees the card and he is surprised that someone responded to his poem while he is sitting on his bed, "Whoa, hold up! Someone answered my poem? But I threw it away! Your hair shines like the sun, your eyes are gorgeous green, I look at you and wonder your innermost thoughts and dreams. Yes, your Valentine I will be, our love will be so true, together for eternity, my heart belongs to you."

"Aww, well, anyone who writes as sickeningly sweet as you must be your soulmate." Adrien sighs, "It isn't signed..." A ladybug flies and lands on the card. He follows it to the window, and watches it fly away, "Could it have come from Ladybug?"

Plagg groans, "Oh, please. Not this again, besides it could be anybody." He then grabs the note that Y/n tosses away, "Sounds a bit familiar in a way." Adrien scoffs, "Anyone can have blonde hair and green eyes. Doesn't mean it's necessarily me."

Meanwhile with Y/n, she heads over to the bakery to get some Valentine's Day cookies for her dad. She then spotted Marinette and Alya by the counter, she ignores gets the box of cookies.

She felt a tap on her shoulder, Alya smiles, "Hey Y/n." Y/n respond, "Hey." She then gets in line to pay, Ayla asks, "Who are those for?" Y/n softly smiles at the cookies, "My dad, he's at work so I get him cookies every year and he gives me chocolates the day after."

"That's so sweet, oh and Marinette has something to say to you." She pushes Marinette over to Y/n as she pays for the cookies, however Y/n was getting suspicious of what Marinette is going to ask.

"I'm going to have a sleep over this weekend, I was wondering if you wanted to join." She hesitates, "I'd like to, but I'm not sure if I'll be busy on the weekend." Marinette softly smiles, "It's ok, let me know if you change your mind."

"Ok then, see you later." Y/n then leaves the bakery and heads to her house, I feel like it's a trap, are they going to gang up on me and force me to stay away from Adrien. Guess I'll have to wait and see.

She gets inside her house and puts the cookies on the counter, "Another day like any other." She then heads to her room and lays down on her bed, she looks at the window, I wonder how Chat is doing.

She then turns away from the window, I bet he's opening his Valentine's Day letters he got, how could he not. He's a very handsome hero.... She then pats her cheeks to get rid of thinking about him, Bad Y/n, don't ruin your mood. Besides you have a sleep over coming soon.

She grabs her bag to prepare the sleep over, "Hold on am I even going? Or I'm just doing it cause I'm bored." A groan came out of her mouth as she sits on the floor, "This is stupid."

Suddenly she heard a tap on her window, she opens it to let Chat Noir in, "Hey Chat." He sits on her bed, "Hey Y/n." She sits across from him, "What brings you here." she softly smiles.

"I came over to give you this." He shows her a pink rose, "Happy Valentine's Day Y/n." she takes it and gave it a sniff, "It's beautiful Chat... thank you." She then goes to her desk and picks up a Valentine's Day card she made him, "Here, Happy Valentine's Day Chat Noir."

He looks at the card, So I guess she wasn't the one who wrote that letter must be someone else. He softly smiles and puts it in his pockets, she jokes, "Is that all you came here for delivery boy."

He chuckles, "Actually I wanted to talk to you about something." She nods, "Same here, you first." He softly sigh, "Ok....I want to talk about our friendship."

She gets a bit worried, he continues, "I know that being friends makes me feel better after the stuff I've been feeling, towards ladybug and all. But I'm worried that I can't do the same for you, and..."

She stops him, "Chat.... It's ok, I know that you are very busy and you can't necessarily see me much and all, but I really do like being your friend. And if you don't want to keep being friends then—"

"No no Y/n, that's not it. I still want to be your friend, it's just that I don't want you to think that I'm avoiding you or anything. Especially if I'm in a relationship or not, I still want to make the time to see you."

She chuckles, "Chat it's ok, you don't have to visit my home." She pulls out a piece of paper, "We can write letters, I know you can't tell me where you live, but every day I'll write you a letter by the park where we first met."

"By the tree." She nods, "Yup, that way if one of us isn't available, we always have these letters to read." Chat softly smiles, "Sounds like a good idea."

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