- Hey, do you want a coffee or something to eat? - I ask with a little smile.
He turns to the side, still not answering. As he's been doing for a few days.
- All right, I'll let you rest, if I need something you can call - I go towards the door.
- Y/n no - he looks at me - you can .. stay here for a bit.
- Sure - I sit by the bed.
After a tense silence, Ian snuggled into me almost asleep, he was falling apart, and the worst thing was, I didn't know how to help.
- You can say something if you want - his fingers circle my leg like a kind of caress.
It's been a while since I've seen him do this, well, when we slept together – not sexually but affectionately, as friends – he did this to wake me up.
- Oh, um, you stink - I run a hand through his hair.
- Not that sort of thing, prince - he says sheepishly.
- In that case, I'm sorry - I kiss him on the cheek - anything else?
- More kisses - speaks hoarse and sleepy.