The Battle Of the End Laxus Vs Kai

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Nobody pov

Fire surrounded Kai as he stood in front of laxus who was generating his lighting

Laxus: Kai how long has it been since we've had a little showdown

Kai: not long enough

Laxus: hehehehe

Suddenly a magic circle appeared under Kai as a giant lighting bolt struck him but out of the smoke Kai rushed laxus and went to punch him but laxus turned into lighting and quickly moved away

Laxus: man you're slow, what happened to all that bravado


Kai shoots flames from his mouth as laxus moved away again this time behind kai

Laxus: you are done warming up because you only have about one hour before... poof

Kai: What are you talking about

Laxus: I've activated the thunder palace

Kai: you did what!?

Laxus: you better hurry or the poor little people are gonna get hurt

Kai: LAXUS!!!

Kai tried to punch him but he missed again

Kai: not this time!

Kai fire magic cover his foot as when laxus reappeared he kicked him in the chest and sent him crashing into the piller

Laxus: what!?

Kai: if I have an hour then I'll kick you ass in 20 minutes

Laxus: You better watch what you say

Laxus: or it may kill you in the future

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Laxus: or it may kill you in the future


Kai and laxus continued to battle as the people saw the fire and lightning soot out of the church

Laxus: you're slower than usual

Kai: shut up and fight

Kai kept trying to hit him but his punches couldn't connect

Laxus: oh man and to think everyone considered you equal to me what a joke!

He kicked kai from behind and then threw lighting at him but out of the smoke Kai shot out a breath attack which laxus avoids then Kai suddenly appeared under laxus grabbing his leg and slamming him face-first into the dirt before getting blasted by lighting making him jump back and as the smoke cleared Kai dropped to a knee breathing heavily as laxus got back up looking at him

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