Fairy tail meet kai scorch

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Nobody POV

In the middle of the woods, there was a child left alone in the world by parents where nowhere to be found a wondering beast of mythical nature, a dragon

???: what's this a little one left alone in the woods (picks up baby kai)

Seeing this dragon didn't frighten this baby, which made the wondering dragon curious most would run and scream from the mere sight of him but not this baby

???: Hmm, strange you do not seem frightened by my appearance

Then what surprised the dragon more was the baby smiling and laughing

???:(smirking) well, since you don't seem afraid of me and seeing as how you were left alone, I shall take you in...remember my name I am the scorcher dragon of war I am FAFNIR!!

remember my name I am the scorcher dragon of war I am FAFNIR!!

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Time passed, and young Kai has grown up at to the age ten and was learning the fire magic taught to him by his father


Dad and I were on a mountain practicing our fire magic

Dad: listen kai, the fire magic I'm teaching you is strong; the stronger your feelings are, the stronger your spell gets. Watch

I watch dad get up, and flame covered his right fist and cooked it back


then the mountain we were sitting on started to have red cracks along the sides, and the mountain was turned into little pebbles, and I began to fall but was caught by dad

Kai:(starts in eyes) whoa! I can get that strong tell me tell me tell me

Dad: hahaha, well, maybe when you're older, you can be stronger than me

Kai: I will dad, I'll be number 1

Dad: hahahahaha!! Well, I'll hold you to that

Then he started rubbing my head

Kai: agh dad...stop

Dad: kai, one day I won't be here, and I need you to promise me you'll find yourself some friends

Kai: what do ya mean, dad aren't you always going to be here with me

Dad:  Yes, but when I'm not here, I need you to promise me that you will find a new family and friends. Do promise me

Kai: sure, dad, but that'll never happen because you'll always be with me

Nobody POV

The scorcher dragon didn't know how to respond raising kai was the best thing to happen to the both of them the dragon just smile and started to fly away with kai on his shoulder, falling asleep

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