Mundane = lacking interest or excitement; dull

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Mundane = lacking interest or excitement; dull

All night was practice and you were beyond tired. The Championship is coming up and you broke your bike during practice, luckily your team has an amazing mechanic, you're sure that if she wasn't there your team would be doomed.  

   You got out of bed, tired as ever. "just another day" you whispered to your self, slowly growing bored of your mundane life. Getting ready for school you thought about how excited you were about going to your current school for the first time, it was the first school you ever went to with a bicycle club. Battling to be the top biker in your club you finally succeeded and became captain after your upper classmen left.  Now that you have accomplish your goal  there's nothing much to look forward to, actually, nothing seems challenging anymore, maybe if you could find something to look forward to, or someone, yeah, that would be nice. Walking out of the door you breathed in the boring air, getting on your bike, you made your way to school, Sayako high.

  "We totally obliterated them!" A boy with a cat like mouth stated pumping his fist in the air some joining in, some rolling their eyes, it was the usual for the Seirin high basketball team. "It was only a practice game, the real game isn't until tomorrow." A young lady explained, "the only time I want to see you guys celebrating is when you beat the real game." Observing everyone's reaction with a pleasant smile, a boy with light blue hair and a low presence walked towards them with a basketball in hand. "why did you call us here Aida" he said referring to the gym they are currently in. From hearing his voice everyone jumped a little, not realizing he was there. "well i called you all over say that we are going to visit the place the game is going to be held." she said excited to reveal the location of the next basketball game. "Sayako High."

  School went by as normal for both the Sayako girl and the Seirin boy, ones life is filled with excitement, the others was filled with excitement.  "Hey y/n, ready for practice today, I'm going to leave you in the dust." a young girl with dirty blond hair up in a pony tail said, her height reached up to your shoulder and her bright brown eyes sparkled with excitement. "you say this every day, yet I haven't seen it happen, in fact I usually leave you so far behind that you can't even see my dust." you said plainly. "Why do you have to be so mean" Chiyo said pretending to pout. "oh yeah, after practice can we go to the gym, my boyfriend is going to meet his opponents for tomorrow's game" she said jumping from one foot to the next. "he said when his team went to Seirin he freeze in place from their skills" She said as she did a little twirl, "huh so there's a team that puts your over confident boyfriend in his place, I'm now intrigue." 
"Is that a yes" you nod your head 'yes'. She than skipped away in excitement, 'so much energy, this is why she's one of our ace.' you then walked to the changing room and got ready, putting on your white and purple biking uniform, not really excited about today's practice. You got on your bike as you heard people cheering 'Reaper' a term that was given to you because when you are on your bike you move as fast as death and takes away everyone's chance of winning. Counting down in your head you started peddling at 0. "I'm going to beat you this time" Chiyo shouted as she tried to keep up, you weren't at full speed yet. Seeing as Chiyo began to past you you decided to pick up speed, getting bored of the speed you are at now you decided to go at almost max speed, this speed is where you can still see the road and everyone, but to them you are a blur. Going threw the usual course was a breeze, you finished three laps so far, enjoying the wind on your face, almost done with your fourth lap you decided to look at your team mates who were taking a break after their second lap, but something caught you off guard, there's something different with your team but what is it, not looking at the road anymore you fully focused on the crowd, 'who's the boy with the blue hair, And How Long Was He There.' you tried to recall when he first appeared there, and you realized he just appeared after your second lap, or well, everyone's first. Because your eyes wasn't on the road, you didn't see your bike rolling off the track at an alarming pace. "CAPTIN WATCH OUT" but it was too late, your road bike finally left the track and you went flying off, your team came running to you trying to figure out what went wrong, "who's the blue haired dude." you ask.
"who?" one of your teammates with short jet black hair and a long and slender figure said, her name is Hyro.
"you know the boy over there-" you pointed to where you thought the boy was, but alas, it was empty. "I saw a ghost."

 Kuroko, who you now think is a ghost, walked away after you fell, not because of any malicious reason, just because his team was looking for him. "I'm right here" he said, lying, but no one needs to know. "jeez you scared me." his friend Kagami said. "now you better behave, I'm talking about you Kagami" Aida said, the boy with the fire red hair complained about being called out. After a while they made it to the gym, the basket ball team of Sayako high was lined up ready to great the Seiren team, they were all fired up. Each shake hands and greeted each other. they were then showed around the gym and where the changing rooms are located, soon after they were done a group of students entered the gym and sat on the bleachers, they were wearing the bicycle club's jacket and sweat pants. This intrigued Kuroko, he wanted to talk to the person who fell, aka you. 

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