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The rest of the week passes in rehearsals for the whole morning until later in the afternoon, after which he goes to the dance studio to teach a few classes, Jai being a godsend and taking some of his other classes under his wing until after his performance. He doesn't really have the time to stop by the bakery and see Milo, but he contents himself with the messages they send each other. He dials down the flirtiness a bit, needing to focus and get his routine right, but Milo is always sweet, supportive, encouraging.

The day of, he's rehearsing early in the morning, not having much time to think about anything else, and it's a bit of a blur. He's backstage of the auditorium before he knows it, getting dressed and doing his hair and makeup and he's practicing until the moment he gets onstage.

He opens the show, and does well, feeling relaxed and letting himself move and try not to think too much as he performs, feeling and feeling instead.

It's another blur as he changes his outfit and adjusts his makeup for the final group piece, and then they're out there and then it's finished. They each bow to the audience, the auditorium mostly filled, and as he comes forward, he hears the familiar and welcome voices of his friends yelling his name, and he waves shyly in their general direction. He tells himself not to think about Milo, if he had come, if he had watched him.

There's not much choice, though, when he goes backstage and checks his phone as he gathers his things to take a shower.

"You were amazing, I didn't know you were so talented. You're quite perfect."

Amir can't help it; he preens.

'you came, I'm so happy,' he types with one hand as he strips, grinning all the while. 'thank you, millie. can't wait to see you later.'

"Likewise, Mirrie."

He spends a long time in the shower, trying not to be too pleased with himself, smiling stupidly as he cleans himself up.

Luka, Yuri, Jai, Julian, Kris, Zane, Cy, and Kaleb are waiting for him at the lobby with flowers and big grins on their faces, and he grins back, jumping into their arms.

"Levi, Jamie and Milo went back to the bakery to get your cake," Julian tells him before he can even wonder where Milo is. He's very transparent, and he doesn't care. "They're following to the party. Millie told me to tell you that you were perfect."

"He didn't say that."

"Yes, he didn't, but I know he was thinking it," Julian says, the look on his face longsuffering, and Amir just smiles at him, taking it, because he's not wrong.

The studio is lively with noise and banter when they get there, and Amir greets his family with many hugs, joining the fold and enjoying himself, basking in his successful performance and the company of the people he cherishes. Kris, Cy, and his older brother hand him drinks, and he takes them, getting a little redder and his tongue a bit looser as he makes the rounds and speaks with everyone.

It feels like hours, though it's really only a little past twenty minutes since he'd gotten there, that Milo and the others arrive, carrying a box. His smile is especially radiant, and Amir stands a little straighter, beaming right at him.

"That for me?" he says as they approach, and Milo cocks an eyebrow.

"You paid for it, I should hope so," he says, but there's a blush to his complexion, and Amir is endlessly endeared. "I hope it's to your liking."

It's quite the understatement. When Amir and Jamie unbox it, Amir's grip on his drink goes slack, and he barely remembers to hold on before it drops to the ground completely. It's a single tier, tall, but looks like it should belong to a contemporary art museum. Streaks of red and gold and black painted with frightening precision against the white, and shards of colored crystal, maybe sugar, seamlessly arranged looming over the top. It's gorgeous, perfect for Amir's art hoe self, and really. If it weren't for the other guests, his family, still lingering about, he would get on his knees.

"That's worth much more than I paid for," he says, leaning down in awe and staring at it. "I didn't know a cake could look like that."

"I don't get to do very many ones like this," Milo says, "Thank you, for the opportunity to make it."

"I really should be thanking you," Amir says, still marvelling, phone out and taking pictures from every angle. "Milo, really. This is gorgeous. And it goes so well with the dance too, I didn't know it could. Worth every penny, really."

"I'm very glad," Milo says, blushing, and Amir wants to eat him up. Or be eaten up. Either way. "You danced so well, I hope the cake is up to par. At least be assured of the flavor, Julian did you good."

"Taro chiffon with a light rock salted cheese," Julian comes up, Jai flanking him, unsurprisingly. Amir notes the way their hands keep brushing against each other. "Jai mentioned you had a thing for bubble tea. This is that in a cake. We hope you like it."

"I really will marry all of you," he says, and the three make disgruntled noises, which pleases him, and Milo blinks several times as the tips of his ears go red, which makes him downright smug.

His family is well pleased with the cake too, Milo and the others bowing politely with their thanks, and his mother catches Amir staring, for which all he gets is a satisfied look that clearly says, "good taste, Mirrie," and he just keeps getting more and more satisfied with himself as the night goes on. He ends up eating most of the cake himself, getting many slices for himself and stealing from his friends' plates, perfect cake with the perfect flavor made by his definition of a perfect man.

The only way his night is spoilt is when Milo, with Julian and Levi and Jamie, tells him that they have to leave, the hour still rather early.

"We'd really like to stay," he says, and their bodies are close, and Amir really could just lean down and, well. Milo's eyes are bright behind the lense of his glasses, and he goes on, "But the Christmas season is really busy for us. We have to get up early to make all the products to meet the demand."

"It's really fine," Amir says, understanding, but not liking it all the same. "I'm very happy you came, Millie."

Milo blinks, and smiles quietly at the nickname coming from his lips, and he says, "I'm very happy, too. Have a good night, Mirrie."

He comes forward, and Amir has barely any time to register how close he is before he leans up, placing a kiss on his cheek sweetly, briefly.

"Bye," he waves, his beam shy and wide and skin red, and Levi is cackling somewhere, pushing him out the door.

Amir is so shellshocked, elated beyond words that he doesn't see Jai and Julian wrapped up in each other, kissing, or Cy hovering over Jamie, looking at odds with himself if he should come closer, eventually blushing and bowing when Jamie bows to him in goodbye.

His night is made, and he floats the rest of the party away.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed!!

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