Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"Where are you off to so fast?" Kaston tried keeping up with my pace to the parking lot.

"Arlo's." I kept it short. I didn't want to let the Caruso's know that Arlo was going to leave town tomorrow after training. It would just give Cain more incentive to chase me. Kas nodded and furrowed his brows for a small moment.

"What's that face about?" I chuckled.

"My brother told me about Layla." He confessed. I slowed my pace, giving him my attention. Although I didn't much like Cain I was glad he let his brothers know why his infatuation with me came from a place of pain. Maybe they'd convince him to back off.

"He really likes you Thea. He's soft with you." Kas turned to me as we made it to my truck. I sighed. It seemed I was wrong.

"I'd be more than happy to be his friend. After Arlo and I make it official at the end of summer." I gave him my unfiltered honest answer.

"I'm choosing to step away from this situation. I just thought I'd let you know that Cain isn't so bad." He turned to his car and left before I could respond. Why did I suddenly feel like the bad guy for not choosing Cain over my own mate? It made zero sense. My phone rang as I started my car.

"Hey mom, I'm gonna head over to Tilly's." I put her on speaker as I backed out of my spot.

"No Thea, your grandfather is in town. You're coming home. I was calling to ask if you'd pick up tomato paste." She sounded busy as if she was bustling through the kitchen. I sighed.

"I can be gone an hour tops, then I'll come home with your paste." I tried bargaining.

"Thea, listen to your mother." Sam interrupted. I rolled my eyes, I must have been on speaker.

"Fine." I replied bitterly.

"I love you!" Mom hollered. I hung up out of anger. She usually got an 'I love you' back but I was livid with the fact that I couldn't even spend one evening with Arlo before he leaves.


"You seem grumpy little T." Grandpa eyed me from across the table as I pushed my noodles around. Time away from Arlo felt like wasted time. My love for him was beginning to get unhealthy.

"She's upset because I made her stay home
tonight." My mom gave me a lifted brow, as if to tell me I was being disrespectful.

"You can hang with Till tomorrow." Sam whispered before giving my arm a light squeeze. I nodded and tried agreeing without showing my disappointment.

"So tomorrow's your last training for a bit?" Mom asked from across the table. This perked my grandfathers interest.

"Yeah, Arlo's leaving for a couple days with Ivy." I let them know that Arlo had already informed me.

"Why's he leaving?" Grandpa asked.

"We've been investigating Deacon's death dad. Arlo and his sister have been a big help." My mom spoke up, leaving out the part about trying to break my blood list with Augustus.

"What's to investigate?" His eyes flashed between my mom and Sam.

"Marion has been saying things. And we just want to make sure we put down the right person." Sam responded. My grandfathers eyes settled in Sam's menacing glare. I nudged Sam to get him to stop glaring.

Dinner was quiet and awkward. Dixon begged to sleep with mom and Sam tonight. Mom caved and went to tuck him into their bed. I thought about staying downstairs to be the buffer between my grandfather and Sam but I myself wanted to lay down.

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