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So I wanted to do this story over cuz I didn't like it so yeah......let's get started

Y/n pov

I just got back from my moms she's in the hospital she got in a car accident I came back home to get Michael because his mom wants him to come with her tomorrow to the hospital. I went upstairs to our room when I heard....moans? "Oh fuck no!" I said then ran back down stair bye bitch I'm leaving

Michaels pov

I gasped....I heard y/n I jumped up off the girl and told her to leave honestly....this girl is my...maid but....ugh I don't know I put on clothes and looked out the window and y/n was in her car already leaving "get out now please your fired too" I said and she just look well guess I'm bout to kill a girl I picked her up and and opened the window we were on the second floor "you don't wanna get the fuck out...I got you" I said a threw her out of it well.....she's lucky there was a bush there or she would've been dead

Y/n pov
Oh my god he threw her out the window "Y/N WAIT PLEASE I KNOW YOUR STILL IN THE CAR I'M SORRY LET ME COME DOWN FIRST!!!" I heard him yell from the window. Nope bitch I ain't waiting for shit I said to myself and started the car by time it started Michael was already outside I started to drive off and Michael ran beside it "baby wait plea-" I cut him off by rolling up my window I drove the car faster and tears rolled down my face and I finally made it to my friends house I barely talk to him because Michael made me limit my time with him but we're over now so I can talk to him "hi" I said after he opened the door "OH MY GOD HEY Y/N!! Come in"he said and I laughed and came in he shut the door behind me then looked at me "girl....have you been crying" he asked and I sighed "yeah.....Michael cheated" I said and blinked a couple times"oh my gosh are you ok" he asked and I just felt like crying even harder that always happened to me when people ask am I ok when I'm sad I just feel like crying harder "y-.....I'" I tried speaking but I just kept stuttering  he walked to me and pulled me close to him and gave me a big hug his hugs were always so warm I loved it.....but it wasn't better then Michaels hugs..I cried harder at just the thought of him my head started to hurt and I felt a whole bunch of pain in my chest " chest-it hurts really really bad and my head" I said still crying he lifted me off the floor and carried me bridal  style to the couch and sat me down and he sat beside me "do you think...I need to call a doctor" he asked and I shook my head "no I just think I need a little time without him on my mind until I can handle my pain before it gets worse"I said already knowing he knows what I meant by it getting worse"yeah because I didn't like you like that at all" if you don't know I used to have suicidal thoughts about myself  mainly because I thought my body wasn't perfect and in high school I suffered depression life isn't perfect I lied down on the couch and slowly went to sleep

Ayden pov

Man he fucked up real bad..honestly I've been talking to Michael for the past 5 months not like talking talking but like he's my friend he still didn't want me to see her but he's a good person half the time when we would talk on the phone he would be buying a gift for y/n or talking to y/n too, making sure y/n healthy, sometimes I even called him right after them two got done having sex I believe he does love her I know he does because even when he would come to my house at times the only time he had to leave is if he wanted to see if y/n was ok and that was the only reason he left and when I would go to their house he would always make food for her help her out with anything she needed don't get me wrong when Michael leaves to go to the studio y/n does everything she makes sure he has food when he's not there to make food she makes sure he's happy before herself she always listens to his problems he listens to hers.....I think y/n honestly won't leave him forever they are meant for each other I just think it's a little harder on y/n then Michael because y/n did have some.....I wanna say problems

Michaels pov

FUCK!!!!!!! I cried and screamed and punched a million holes in the wall I ran upstairs to me and y/n room because I know she's not leaving me and picked up my phone and called Ayden "please pick up....please pick up" I prayed and he did "hey mike" he said

"Hello please tell me y/n is at your house" I hoped she was even tho I don't like them together right now I could care less

"Yeah she is she's sleeping right now on my couch" he said and I sighed of relief she's somewhere I know I can find her great

"Did.......did she tell you what happened?"  I said and felt tears building up

"Yes she did and........mike you honestly fucked the fuck up she had really bad chest pain and her head hurted  that's when she went to sleep"

"No no no no wake her up now AYDEN"

"Why she's looks peaceful"

"Ayden I'm her husband I know when something's wrong WAKE HER UP NOW!!!"

"Ok but why she looks fine to me not like that but"

"Oh my god Ayden I know what you mean but please wake her up before it gets bad last time she said that she was passed out and went to the doctors and hey said it was great I had gotten her their fast...y/n had some problems as a kid too I'm sure you know that"

"Mike.....she ain't waking up"

Fuck damn shit ughhhh I hung up and went downstairs went outside barefoot and ran all the way to aydens house which took about 3mins since I was in a rush and it was about my y/n....and it was all my fault if hadn't cheated on her dammit I knocked on the door harshly until he opened the door I ran inside and shook y/n violently "ugh wake up" I said to myself but also to her Ayden took out his phone and called someone I went over to him and took the phone and hung it up "no I can take her be myself don't want them here I threw her over my shoulder I would ran there but I just can't I licked up aydens keys and drove all the way to the hospital

Part 2???????anyone??????

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