Chapter 5 - the agreement

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The following week after prince raji had left:

diary entry /

It was unbelievable to say that I enjoyed Prince Raji's visit

but truth is I did, seeing this side of him really comforted me in a way id never had been which made me feel some type of way...maybe special? its silly really.

Ever since Raji opened himself up to me bit by bit, i felt a sense of happiness knowing somebody trusted me.

end of diary entry : spring

I heard a knock at the door and dropped my pen down onto the table, in a hurry I brushed of my nightgown and opened my bedroom door. "Zen?, what are you doing here at this time?"

Zen looked annoyed more or less "Brother Izana would like to speak with you, im here to get you because frankly i dont trust what he has to say this late at night." he chuckled

i nodded in response and wrapped my night blouse around me tightly as zen was leading the way.

The lanterns were lit and a soft breeze filled the castle corridors, a typical night in Clariness if i say so myself, Guards were on their nightly patrols as they passed by us giving me a nod or a smile.

We arrived at the large double doors to Izanas quarters, Zen held the door open for me as we walked in together

Izana turned his back and set his book down onto the table.

"Aerin, sorry for bringing you here at this time of night"

"Its alright Brother, what is it you would like to discuss, I hope it's nothing bad?" i replied. fidgeting with the hem of my nightgown

"Perhaps not" Izana got up from his seating place and stared at me dead in my eyes with a piercing gaze.

"The prince of Tanbarun seemed to have gotten on well with you, better than i had expected actually.." He placed his hand on his chin and laughed "he even made a suggestion for you to visit his home town correct?"

I nodded in responded "Prince Raji aksed me in person, I told him i would think about his offer"

Izana hummed in response "Then i suppose its settled, you will travel to Tanbarun in two days time, i will inform Prince Raji of your answer." he settled back down before i got to speak

I stood there dumbfounded before bowing and exiting the room with Zen who was surprisingly quiet the entire time until we got out of the room.

He patted my head and ruffled my hair "youre doing a great job Aerin, i believe you'll do this kingdom well. And if that golden prince upsets you the slightest you know who to contact." his voice was stern yet caring. he smiled at me and i returned the gesture. I walked back to my room pondering about the possibilities and overthinking my actions.

Is this what i really wanted? Was this how I was supposed to be used by the kingdom? Just to appeal the royal gaze. Look pretty. Have good manners. Is that all? is that what they expect from me?

Thoughts invaded my head as I leaned against my bedpost with my head against it. The thoughts were pounding at my brain as a wave of anxiety and frustration turned on me. Maybe I was just tired. Yeah. Tired...everything will be fine.

just fine.

The next day was full of dance training , table manners , Princess etiquette and so on

It was tiring trying to perfect my flaws just for for the royal gaze

my feet were sore from prancing around the room all day and my head ached from the constant repeat of classical music running through the room along with the tap of heels along the floor

it was like a record player on repeat.

I let out a breath as the last note of the music finished, my dance instructor clapped delighted about his work.

"Well done Ms Wisteria, I must say you are becoming a fine princess. We will continue classes tomorrow. 7o clock sharp" he exclaimed

we exchanged bows as i slumped down onto the chair beside me as soon as he was out of sight

it wasn't very mannerly of me but could you blame me? id been dancing around in fragile shoes for hours on end and soon it would be a lifestyle for me. My eyes felt heavy and as i laid my head back onto the rim of the chair. my hair drooped down the back of it and Soon enough my eyes were shut completely as i was pulled into a heavy sleep which was most definitely needed.

third pov

"Hey Aerin are you- oh" Zen chuckled at the sight. a sleeping Aerin slumped over a chair with her mouth gaping open "sweet dreams" he whispered

He stopped in his traces and quietly shut the door careful not to make any noise.

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