Chapter 6: A Lovely Aunt.

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I woke up to find myself in my bedroom. Rubbing my eyes and getting down , I pulled the big golden rope on my side.
Aiden came in first.

Good morning Tia , are you well?

I'm quite better.

Today you will taking a good rest. It's a good thing for you , if you remember you had a nosebleed yesterday due to over exhaustion and stress.

You all will get overworked like this , let me handle it.

We're vassels , our purpose in life is to serve and support the Head ruler , if you take care of everything than what is there for us?

I guess you're right.

I've called in the outer division guardians too. They must be arriving by now to greet you.


I gave him a smile and he smiled back. Taking a few steps forward , he patted my messy hair. Looks like he just woke up too.

Little cousin , you know that as a ruler you must take care of yourself first now that the Emperor has retired due to poor health.

I just became very over cautious thinking I have to do everything by myself.

What are we here for than?

Right … Ephesus can't be ruled by one person alone can it? Isn't that why the first Emperor had Vassels … no , good friends.

Yeah … that's true. Take good rest , Princess. Why don't you explore the castle or look at the many gifts you received at your birthday?


I'll take my leave , blessings and glory upon you , the little Sun of the Empire.

He went away as I gave smile. Maybe I overworked myself a little too much. Papa would be mad and so would everyone. I'll convince them somehow.

Dress me up! I'm going to open the gifts!

I wore a Amber colored dress with a tiara on my head.
I'll not be working today so let's dress up in unofficial outfit.

One by one I opened up the gifts I recieved.
Marquees Anakin Skyward , who's the Young Marquees and my fellow friend gifted me a beautiful purse.

Marquees Noah Wykeham , he's the fallen Prince of a distant nation outside Ephesus Empire who was exiled after a revolution.
Grandpa liked his talent in Martial Arts and now's he's the Knight's division Commander.
It's good of him to gift me pocket watch.

Grand Duke Felixstowe Suffolk gave me a dagger.
Chancellor Merkel gifted me a diary. He told me that every great Pioneer wrote a diary so I should too to give knowledge and advice to future rulers.
Marquees Alec Baldwinsville gave me a sword. Cool!
Marquees Ian Gelinas Minister of foreign affairs gave me Rose Gold plated jewelry set.

Marquees Albin Folks and Aldine Westfield gave me a perfume and a beautiful flower bracelet.
Kevin Knightley the Marquees gave me a tea set with rare tea leaves.

All the Marqueeses are of young and talented generation. I knew them in my previous life so I was the one who brought them to light and because of that the wall between commoners and Nobles is almost non existent.

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