The Choice 1

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The group trekked through the forest and over the mountains. They climbed up and up until they reached the cave leading to the Almighty Genie.

"We made it!" Blaze beamed.

"Crusher, you in there?!" Pickle called out.

"Pickle, you're here! Come on in! I have an amazing surprise!" Crusher's voice echoed through from inside.

"Ooh! I love surprises!" Pickle jumped for joy and zoomed right in the cave.

"Pickle, wait up!" Blaze cried before they all dashed after the green truck.

They drove through the cave, their fire marks and sunstone glowing in the darkness. They soon reached the end of the cave, where they found the giant glowing fountain, along with the crystals surrounding the cave.

"Crusher? Where are you?" Pickle glanced around.

"Over here!"

The group drove and turned to see Crusher by the fountain water with Hanna, who giggled as she splashed in the water.

"This is fun, Papa!"

Pickle's stomach dropped at the sight of the little girl. His heart started to pound hard in his chest as he felt the tears roll down his cheeks.

It can't be...

No, it can't...



The girl glanced up at him with a beam and a gasp.

"MAMA!!" She jumped to her tires and ran to him, jumping into the green truck's tires. "MAMA, LOOK! ME CAN SEE!! ME CAN TALK!!!"

"Crusher... how is this even possible...?" Pickle glanced at the other in disbelief.

"I..." Crusher smiled and glanced up at the statue. "I wished for her, Pickle. I... wanted our daughter back..."

"Crusher... that's amazing!" Pickle felt himself begin to break down before he ran to the dark blue truck, hugging him together with their daughter. "I love you so much!"

"I love you too... I love both of you."

"What trouble did you have to go through to get her back?" Pickle asked.

"Well, in order to get Hanna back, it would have to take someone else's life. I figured it was someone who was already suffering, and they're in a better place now." Crusher replied.

"She is here," the genie spoke.

"Huh? She?" Crusher glanced up, confused. "Who is here, and who is this she? Because I can count two shes,"

"The dying child is here," the voice spoke again.

"Wait... dying kid?"

"You... you..." Crusher tensed when he heard a familiar voice.

When Crusher turned, he saw the entire Blaze Family and Roarian staring, but Blaze?

He looked the most hurt of all.

"Crusher... you... how could you...?"

"I... I didn't know!" Crusher defended himself.

"But you SHOULD have known taking someone else's life to get what you want is WRONG!! I trusted you, and now my sister is dying!"

"It... It's not just what he wants..." Pickle admitted.

"I know you wanted her back too, Pickle, but that's no excuse! Genie, how can I heal my sister?" Blaze asked.

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