The Portal

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Princess Bubblegum's Point of view

I paced the empty lab in the castle trying to find a way to alternate the world's weather in Ooo, to control the weather on command. Then Boom! I hear the explosion for the outside of the castle walls. I squint. I spot a neon colored circle showering nothing but a bright light. "Oh no a portal!" I yell as I swiftly ran towards the portal, while dialing Finn's number. Please pick up, please please pi- my thoughts were cut off as Finn answered the phone.

" What's up, PB?"

" No time to explain, but go to the Mountain range and I will met you over there." I said out of breath.

"Yes, Princess, I'll be right over there," he then hung up the phone.

I then jumped onto Lady as we neared the portal.

Finn's Point of View

I woke up from a deep sleep until the phone rang. I groggly chatted with PB, when she gave a new mission at 9:34. Which was very unusual we had never once had to meet up this late before. After I hung the phone up. I ran up the stairs to grab my backpack, and yelled, "Hey Jake,".

"What?" Jake yelled as he walked up the creaky oak staircase.

"Do you know what time it is?" I yelled.

Then we both yelled in unison, "ADVENTURE TIME! ". "Okay," I started up,"PB wanted us to meet her over at the mountain range, now let's get on the move on,"

We both ran down the stairs as the sun started towards the mountain range. Then to be stopped by a dark figure. Jake slowed as we came closer to the figure. As we got closer we could tell it was Marceline, playing her red axe bass.

Marceline 's Point of View

" Daddy, why did you eat my fries?
I bought them, and they were mine.
But you ate them, yeah, you ate my fries.
And i cried, but you didn't see me cry.
Daddy, do you even love me?
Well I wish you would show it.
Because I wouldn't know it.
What kind of dad eats his daughters fries?
And doesn't even look her in the eyes?
Daddy there were tears there.
If you saw them would you even care? "I sang then stopped as Finn strolled over towards me."Hey Finn, why are you here?," I asked.

"Oh, PB called about meeting me her over by the mountain range, and I was wondering if you would like to come with me."

"Sure, whatever, but on one condition,"

"If Bonnie gets on me about coming with you, its all your fault, understand."

"Deal," he said as we shook has in agreement.

PB'S Point of View

"Where is he,Oh dear," The ground shook the Princess making her fall on her bottom. The Portal got gradually bigger as each second passed by. She looked over to her right, seeing Finn,Jake,and Marceline.

Then the ground started to shake once again, but at a higher rate. The portal got bigger, then shadows were thrown onto Ooo soil. As then I blacked out, seeing nothing but comfortable darkness.

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