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today was the day. I hated needles. Hates a strong word but for this case I absolutely hated them. Every month Bruce had us taking flu shots just to make sure we were all safe and healthy. The only reason I hate them is when I got taken by dreykov. He had me each hour of the day strapped to wires and restraints. As they dug in meter long needles containing painful and toxic chemicals that made me scream. I never told my mom she would worry and she already worry's about me enough. But I could take these needles. I know bruce means all well. But they hurt.

'come on y/n were up' nat called

you ignored her and buried yourself under your covers.

'y/n I'm not playing around it's your turn for shots' she said more seriously whilst coming into your room.

she saw your state and instantly felt guilty.

'look I know you hate needles I used to but trust me it will be over in 2 seconds and I will be with you at all times'

'mom I'm not having the shots I don't care if I get sick anything is better than having needles stuck in you' I say back

'I care y/n and you are taking the shots I promise you will be okay' she reassures


'Y/n don't test me today I don't have the patience for it'

'then leave me alone I'm not getting the shots'

'I didn't want to have to do this' she warns

'WANDA' my mum shouts

suddenly I'm being caught in red whisps literally not being able to move. My mom comes over and picks me up tossing me over her shoulder. She walks past wanda and without my mom looking I give her the finger.

we walk into Bruce's lab and my mom sits us both down now being released of red whisps. I sit their waiting for my turn. My mom goes for her turn and as she does I eye up the door.

'don't even think about it' my mom warns

I huff and slump back in my seat. All the memories flood back to me. I cant do this I cant.

'y/n it's your turn' Bruce says

you mom comes over to take your hand and walk over

'moma I cant please' I plead

'baby I know your scared but I will be with you and it only takes 3 seconds'

'promise' I ask

'promise' my mom confirms

suddenly I feel it. But it's didn't hurt. And it was over quick

'see I told you' my mom laughs

'I guess I was over reacting a bit'

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