im sorry

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y/n POV:

I did it again. The guilt is already eating me alive. I promised myself I would never do it again. I've been clean for 7 months. Life was getting so much better since I was with Nat. She loved me and made me feel at home. I really did try to keep my promise. But then everything just stopped, I broke down . Everything was too overwhelming. I felt it was the only way out.

I ran to my bathroom. I was crying. Hyperventilating. Panicking. I couldn't keep myself together. I stared at my drawer for a split second. 'No y/n you cant you promised'. But something wasn't stopping me. I reached to open it and pulled out the sharp silver object. I started at my arm. Cutting deep so I could feel it. But I didn't. I felt numb. Defeated. I cut 6 deep cuts and flung the metal object to the other side of the bathroom

After sitting there for ages I got the strength to stand up and make myself look presentable before heading downstairs for tea . I wiped away the blood. Put an oversized hoodie on and headed downstairs.

Nats POV-
I was waiting downstairs with the rest of the team for y/n to come and eat dinner with us. She knew the time for dinner and usually was on time , not that it bothered me she was a bit late it just puzzled me.

'where is she?' I questioned

'I don't know nat she's probably just getting changed I'm sure she'll be down in a sec' Wanda reassured me

just on queue y/n fumbled downstairs. She walked through the door but something was off. She didn't seem her bubbly self.
I just shrugged it off for the time being.

'hey y/n I made your favourite' tony said

'thanks' she mumbled with a small smile

No ones POV

Y/n sat down at the table and started to eat the meal that was prepared for her. There was a light chatter that filled the room. But nat was staring right at y/n. Trying to read her.

Y/n suddenly winces as she leans her wrist on the table.

'Y/n are you okay?' Nat asks her daughter

'yeh mom I'm fine just scratched it on the plate thats all' she lied

Nat didn't look convinced but smiled at her anyway. A few minutes had passed and everyone was finished with there meals. Everyone got up to hand there plate over including y/n.

she paced over as quick as she could to hand her plate to vision who was loading the dishwasher.
she said thank you to Tony for the meal and began to head out.

That was until nat grabbed her arm lightly to turn her back.

Y/n POV:

I was just about to leave when my mom grabbed my arm. Not tightly but with the cuts it stung like mad.

I winced as she did so and she gave me a worried look. Shit. What do I do

'Baby are you sure your okay and I want the truth' she said sternly but softly

'yeah why wouldn't I be' I said with a slight voice break

'sweetheart I know when your lying , please just talk to me' she said

I know she knows. She keeps looking towards my arm. I couldn't hold back the tears anymore.

I fall into her embrace. Tears streaming down my face. She holds me tight and lifts me up. A wrap my arms around her neck like she would be gone if I ever let go. She just lets me cry into her neck whilst she carried me over to the couch.

'Baby please talk to me' she said with almost tears threatening to fall.

'I'm so sorry mama I didn't mean to I-I just can't do it anymore' I say

'take of your jumper baby I won't be mad I want to help you' she says

I look her in the eyes whilst I take my jumper off exposing the red Scarlett cuts covering my arms.

She gasps and starts to cry aswell.

'baby why didn't you talk to me I wouldn't helped you'

'I-I'm sorry momma I really am I -I didn't want to but I got so overwhelmed I didn't know what to do' I explain

'oh baby, I'm so sorry please if you ever feel like this you come and speak to me I don't care when or what it's about you come to me and if I'm not here you go to Wanda okay?' She said softly

'I promise mama'

she holds me tight.

'I love you so much baby girl your my world' she says

'I love you more momma' I say back

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