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"Hook and his crew have been spotted near the swamp!" 

Hattie opened her eyes sleepily wiping her eyes and pushing up from the cot she slept in. Crust formed in the corner of her eyes and she gently picked it off flicking it onto the floor. 

"That's disgusting."

"I've seen you do worse," Hattie retorted at young Charlie who was sat on a small chair made out of sticks and leaves, staring at her.  

He rolled his eyes and stood up, softly leaving the ground and floating a little with his hands on his hips, "So that may be but I am a man."

"You're a boy. A very sexist boy."

"Wendy. If I had a clue what that meant I might be offended but I don't and what I don't know can't offend me. Now come on, did you hear Tootles, Hook and his crew are near the swamp! I am in the mood to feed the croc another hand!"

Hattie sighed and flopped back down again, sometimes the fighting was boring and tiresome, she just wanted to read some stories or forage for food, not go and fight pirates everyday and return with the same outcome- a draw and an angry group of boys. 

"That's opposite of what I expected you to do."

"I'm tired, can't we just spend the day in the treehouse? Why do we always have to chase Hook, let him do the chasing for once!"

He cackled, throwing his head back so violently he did a flip in the air, "me let Hook chase us! You must be sick! What a stupid idea!"

"Hey! It gets boring!"

"Boring! Nonsense woman! If it's so boring for you why don't you go find some different friends?"

"Are you serious?"

"Yes! Why do we need a lady slowing us down anyway? It's not like you do much, I'm sure John or Michael are perfectly good cooks. Or Curly can take a shot at it. Who needs women anyway?"

"You're off your nut!"

"No you are! How can you find fighting the pirates boring? What happened to you Wendy?"

"Maybe I have changed what I want in life?"

Hattie opened her eyes sleepily wiping her eyes and pushing up from where she slept. Picking the crust from the inner corner of her eyes and flicking it away. 

"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty." Dallin smiled at her from across the room where he filtered through a box like usual, sorting out items that had been donated to see what was useless and what would be worthy to sell in the shop.

"How long was I out for?"

"About an hour and a half."

She rubbed her face, wishing she had had a better nights sleep the night before so that she hadn't fallen asleep whilst at the shop. It was rude and unfair on Dallin. 

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be, you clearly needed it."

Their time together had been limited lately from the number of Dallin's lectures and workshops increasing and him also having to put the hours in at the shop, seeing each other was rare and precious. Wasting that time on sleep seemed awful. 

She stood up and waddled over to him, her legs stiff from the awkward position she had woken up from on the floor. Slithering her arms around his waist she pressed her cheek to his back and cuddled him tightly. 

"As much as I love you being here, Tee, why don't you head home? Get your head down properly and also see Charlie before he heads back to Romania, I know you're going to miss him."

"No, no, I can wait with you."

"You'll regret it if you don't go and see him, you know you will."

She nodded, kissing him tenderly goodbye and used the floo network to get home where sure enough Charlie was waiting in the living room. He had a bittersweet smile on his lips as he held his arms out for a hug. 

Falling into his arms she replayed the dream she had over and over again. Did she really want something different from life? What did that mean to her? She used to love the idea of fighting pirates in Neverland so why did she not in her dreams?

"Penny for your thoughts?" Charlie offered, "Though I have limited time so make it quick." He added with a soft chuckle, teasing her. She smiled and shook her head. 

"Just gonna miss you."

"Aw I'll miss you too, baby girl-"

"I don't want to be called that anymore."


Where did that come from?

She barely thought before she spoke. But she said it. She really did. 

Charlie looked taken a back. Despite being confused, baffled and puzzled, and all other words meaning the same thing, he nodded. He had to respect her decision. Well, most of them, he still didn't respect the decision to get back with Dallin Winter. 

"Anything else?"

"I don't want to fight the pirates any more."

A/n- I'm so sorry for the lack of updates! I hope to put out more as soon as possible. I hope you enjoyed this long awaited one regardless. :)

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