Chapter 25: Shrine of Salazere

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Chapter 25: Shrine of Salazere

July, 1976

Darkness washed out any semblance of light and color in Kayneth's vision. The last thing he could remember were dozens of gleaming eyes surrounding him like close-range stars. Some sort of savage hissing sound reverberated throughout the chamber. One of the unknown beasts opened their mouth, revealing a set of polished, sharp ivory teeth that glistened from its fellows' glowing eyes.

Kayneth finally understood what was going on – Enforcer 19-Y had lured him into a trap.

As much as he wanted to curse her for deceiving him, he felt equally as stupid for being played like a fool. The signs were all there; 2-F's crass response to his demand, 19-Y's insincerity, her leading into the Spiritual Tomb's deepest underbelly, being awed by alchemy materials that he definitely would've had interest in owning... Everything had been designed to corner him, and yet he never recognized the danger until it was too late. Maybe, just maybe somewhere in the most obscure corner of his mind, he realized that his arrogance finally caught up to him. But what was such a realization going to do for him now? He was doomed as could be.

... At least, he thought he was.

The next thing Kayneth could remember, he was standing in an apple orchard, with a quaint cottage tucked between the trees. The leaves turned into all sorts of fall colors, and the apples looked ripe for harvesting. The Mage was utterly confused as to why he was here.

"Master," he heard a familiar young man's voice speak behind him.

Kayneth turned around to find Diarmuid nearby. The spearman approached his summoner, then glanced around and asked, "Where are we?"

"I... don't know..." was the shaky reply.

"Are you all right?"

"I don't know..."

Diarmuid understood Kayneth's shock and opted not to ask any more questions. He instead passed by him while saying, "Forgive me for not being able to protect you. I was wholly unaware of what the Enforcers were planning. If I had the foresight, I would have-"

"No. It's fine."


"I did not anticipate how shrewd the upper echelons were. No, I shouldn't say 'shrewd'. It's more like they are... pure evil."

"What does that mean?"

"... What outrage. I was so focused on securing my family's position that I never stopped to think about it. The El-Melloi family did not hold the highest seats of power... and maybe that would have been for the better. After all, my family does not take pride in discarding promising talent so callously. I knew the Grand-rank Mages were capable of eliminating anyone who stood in their way, but to think they regarded me as a mere obstacle as well..."

Diarmuid could only watch as his Master succumbed to total despair. Kayneth raised his hands and started ranting emphatically.

"My god! The prophesized apocalypse could not come any sooner! I don't know what sort of calamity will befall the world, but let it rain fire! Purge the Mages before they can ruin more lives! Destroy the wealth and prestige they cling to so tightly! Give them no place to run to! Then when they are brought to their knees, I will stand over them and laugh at how pathetic they are!"

The Lancer wasn't sure what to say. Normally he wouldn't condone such madness, but he understood how horribly betrayed Kayneth must've felt. He looked away for a moment... then suddenly sprung into action, wielding his dual lances and getting into position in front of Kayneth as he barked, "Master! Please stay back!"

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