Chapter 34: Worlds Collide

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Chapter 34: Worlds Collide

Ritsuka stumbled about as she gazed at the unexpectedly clear blue skies and pearly sand dunes stretching around her for what seemed like forever. Everyone else, including the Enforcers, were stunned by the sudden change in scenery. Their bewilderment turned to surprise when they saw Bucephalus trotting along until he stopped in the space between both groups. Iskandar panned his eyes across the field at the dozens of various man-sized cats that bared their sharpened teeth and shot death glares back at him.

"What's going on here? Why are we suddenly inside a Reality Marble?" Mash wondered.

"Ugh, as if fighting these beasts wasn't bad enough. Now my dress is going to be ruined," Quintrala complained as she brushed some grains of sand out of her clothes.

"My apologies, madam," Iskandar told her. "Unfortunately, we are strapped for options with countering an enemy that can regenerate itself. If it's any consolation, now we are all free to unleash our Noble Phantasms as much as we want!"

"Well I guess beggars can't be choosers, especially since we're dealing with an Evil of Humanity."

"Ain't that right?" he grinned, then faced the cats with a grim expression. "Now then, I have a few words I want to say to our feline friends here."

He pointed his broad sword at Enforcer 2-F, the largest of the horde, and shouted, "Listen here! If you are all Alter Egos split from Lancer of Akakor, then it stands to reason that I am speaking to the original herself! You must cease this madness at once! Do you not understand the pain that you are putting your loved ones through!?"

"Loved ones?" 2-F retorted. "What a joke. Everyone abandoned Mother. She doesn't need anyone."

"That's not true! Look upon the Caretakers! Surely you see the agony in their eyes as they are forced to raise their weapons against their beloved friend! Look upon Chaldea's Connla! Surely you saw her determination to undertake such a long and perilous journey for your sake! Look upon Fujimaru Ritsuka and her Servants! Surely you know that they are here to prevent you from committing any further sins! What about your father, Cuchulainn!? If he didn't care about you, he wouldn't be here to discipline your aberrant rage!

"As for me... I cannot bear to sit back and watch such an intrepid soul be corroded by humanity's darkness any longer! You truly were an innocent scapegoat 50 years ago, but if you continue on this deadly path, nothing will ever justify your evil deeds against the Mages! My duty is to bar your passage towards that dark road of guilt and sin! If you want someone to rage and lash out against, then raise your spear against me! Make me experience your pain! Make me understand your rage! I'll take every strike head on! In turn, open your heart to our sincere wish to save your soul!"

"You talk too much, you goddamn brute!" 2-F snarled, then rushed toward Iskandar and unleashed a deafening meow. "I'll show you a world of hurt, all right! It'll crush your spirit faster than one can squash an ant beneath their feet!"


The Macedonian king snapped the reigns, and Bucephalus charged at 2-F without hesitation. Iskandar's glare was fierce as he swung his sword at the cat's incoming claws. Her talons were much tougher than he expected, as his muscles screamed from the pain of having to resist a metric ton of raw force.

Not bad! Just what I would expect from the leader of the Enforcers!

As Iskandar mentally complimented 2-F's strength, the giant black cat skidded along the sand and turned course so she was chasing Bucephalus from behind. Iskandar commanded Bucephalus to keep running, attracting 2-F's attention so she was distracted from the other Servants. Machiavelli used Il Principe as many times as he could to boost Maupin and Quintrala's attack power, then the women flanked 2-F and brandished their weapons before unleashing their Noble Phantasms.

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