Chapter 1: The Mysterious Speck

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Ah, Mixel Moon. Home to the Orbitons, Nurp-Naut's beloved Oxy-Juice, & lots more. We now see a black dot which is far away from Mixel Moon. (A/N: The Orbitons are prepping up for the 3rd annual Mix Festival, if you didn't know what they were prepping for.)

"Hey Naut, you excited for the Mix Festival?" Asked Niksput.

"Heh, yeah. I guess you can say that." Replied Naut.

Nurp-Naut then spun his head and switched to Nurp.

"I can't wait until we ready, we ready yet?" Asked Nurp with a slight giggle.

"Not yet little cadet, You haven't even set up your juice." Said Niksput.

"Oh, okie!" Added Nurp.

Nurp-Naut rushed to the pitcher full of Oxy-Juice to carelessly fill the cups for the festival.

"Oxy-Juice! Juice, juice!" Exclaimed Nurp.

34 seconds later, Nurp saw a black dot coming towards his right cheek. Boop! The two-faced Orbiton decided not to let that weird speck ruin the preparation for him, so he decided to shrug it off and continue filling the cups with the Oxy-Juice he adored so much. 14 seconds later, Nurp-Naut was finally done filling the cups, so now he just wanted some crater-tots to eat.
He slowly floated to the table, and reached to the bowl of crater-tots without trying to get his tribemates to notice. Rokit was walking around, noticing that Nurp-Naut was getting to the bowl of crater-tots.

"Nurp, you know those are for the others. Wait, what's that black dot on your face?" Said Rokit.

"Nurp don't know, can I have crater-tots?" Replied Nurp.

"Not yet. Now can you help me put up the banner?" Asked Rokit.

Nurp-Naut spun his head again and switched to Naut.

"Eh, why not?" Said Naut.

Nurp-Naut and Rokit headed to the unfinished banner to put it up, not knowing how dangerous the speck could get. Niksput then decided to check on them to see how they were doing.

"Hey Rokit, how's the banner?" Asked Niksput.

"Pretty well, can't complain." Said Rokit.

"Great to hear, bro!" Replied Niksput.

After Nurp-Naut and Rokit were done putting up the banner, Nurp-Naut suddenly switched to Nurp and did a slight giggle. Nurp-Naut knew that it would be bedtime soon, meaning bedtime stories are only an hour away! Nurp-Naut dashed into his room and jumped into his crib, excitedly waiting for a bedtime story to be told.

"Hello, child..." Whispered a deep voice.

"Oh, hey Naut!" Said Nurp.

"...N-no, I am not this 'Naut' you speak of." Said the voice.

Nurp got confused, for if it was not Naut, and he was alone is his room, then who was talking to him? Suddenly, the black speck on his cheek started to grow, which alarmed Nurp.

"I am the speck on your face, now let me grow and grow..." Groaned the voice.

Nurp tugged the blanket on his crib as he got nervous of the mysterious voice.

"Nurp scared." Worried Nurp.

One hour later, Niksput and Rokit decided to sleep in for the night, but not before telling Nurp a story.

"Alright Nurp, you rea-AH!" Rokit was interrupted (and admittedly scared) by the spooky face that Nurp had now.

Nurp's face had a big, black splatter covering the entire face except for the right eye which looked sad (the eye, not the splatter) and was tearing up, his left eye being all pink despite the pupil being a slightly brighter pink, and he had the mouth you'd see on Halloween pumpkins, except it was all pink... even on the inside! The big, black splatter was even covering half of the neck, not only the face.

"Oh, didn't see you there.." Said Rokit.

"What's the matter, feeling SCARED?" Questioned 'Nurp'.

"Uhh... Nurp, you okay? It's not even Halloween and yet, why-" Said Rokit.


Rokit then started backing away, but Corrupted Nurp got out of his crib and started walking toward him.

"U-uhh.. Nurp, let's talk about this.. I'm sorry I didn't let you have the c-c-crater-tots.." Said Rokit, worried.

"I don't want that for dessert, I want YOU-"

Suddenly, Corrupted Nurp was interrupted by his head spinning for 6 seconds, only for Naut to collapse on Rokit's lap, feeling flushed.

"Y-you okay?" Asked Rokit, terrified.

"No, I feel... really tired." Said Naut.

Naut then slunk over his crib, leaving a terrified Rokit behind. As he left Nurp-Naut's room, Rokit tried to calm down, but it wasn't going that well.

"What the heck just happened, and since when did Nurp become so horrifying? WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Worried Rokit in his head.

Corrupted Mixels AU: Nurp-Naut Who? Book 1Where stories live. Discover now