This is in honor of the 10 year anniversary of Doctor Who...
3rd person P.O.V.
Rose's alarm goes off at 7:30 am like always. She gets up, gets dressed and kisses her mother goodbye. Jackie is still her dressing gown and lazing on the settee watching TV.
"Bye!" Rose says.
Jackie responses, "See you later!"
Rose takes the bus and gets off outside her work, Hendrick's. The banner across the main entrance shows that the store is having a sale. She is bored most of the day. She moves piles of display clothes around in the ladies wear section, then goes to meet her boyfriend for a snack lunch and goes back to work after much sighing.
Tannoy over the speakers says, "This is a customer announcement. The store will be closing in 5 minutes. Thank you."
Rose and some other girls head for the main doors but a guard shakes a clear plastic bag in front of Rose, "OI!"
She takes the bag and heads down to the basement, "Wilson? Wilson, I've got the the lottery money. Wilson, are you there?"
She comes to a large door that claims to be Wilson's office, "I can't hang about 'cos they're closing the shop. Wilson! Oh, come on."
There is a clattering noise coming from further down the corridor.
"Hello? Hello, Wilson it's Rose. Hello? Wilson?"
She opened the door and turns on the lights. There are boxes of clothes and dressed dummies.
"Wilson? WILSON!" She says as the door slams behind her. She runs back but it won't open. "You're kidding me?"
The clattering noises come back, "Is that someone mucking about? Who is it? Yeah, you got me. Very funny."
All of this was freaking her out cause the shop dummies had started to move. "Right, I've got the joke. Who's idea was this? Is it Derek's? Is it? Derek, is this you?"
All the dummies were moving. One had cornered her. A hand grabbed her wrist.
"RUN," said a handsome guy and a ginger female.
They drag her through the basement as the Autons follow and into a lift. The one who had had her in the corner put its arn through the closing doors. The ginger pulls it off and the doors close.
"You pulled his arm off," she tells the ginger.
"Yep. Plastic," the ginger responds in an American accent.
"Very clever. Nice trick! Who were they then, students? Is this a student thing or what?" Rose asks.
The ginger opened her mouth but the guy responded first, "Why would they be students?"
"I don't know," Rose says confused.
"Well, you said it. Why students?" He asks again.
"'Cos to to get that many people dressed up and being silly, they got to be students." Rose said getting annoyed.
"That makes sense. Well done," the guy said.
"Thanks," Rose replies.
"There not students," the ginger said.
Rose was confused again, "Whoever they are, when Wilson finds them, he's going to call the police."
"Who's Wilson?" They both ask.
"Chief electrician," Rose said.
"Wilson's dead," the guy said.
The ginger punched him in the arm and said, "That's rude."
He looked at her. We all got off the lift and ran behind the store.
"That's not funny," Rose said, "That's sick."
The ginger gave him that I-told-you-so look, "Hold on. Mind your eyes."
"I've had enough of this now," Rose mutters.
They both hold up high tech things and do something to the lift. "Who are you two, then? Who's that lot down there? I said, who are they?" Rose was annoyed. She wanted answers.
The ginger and the guy both said, "Their made of plastic. Living plastic creates. They're being controlled by a relay device on the roof, which would be a big problem if we didn't have this," the guy points to a small bomb in the girl's hands. The girl said, "So, we are going to go up there and blow them up, and might die in the process, but don't worry about us. No, you go home. Go have lovely beans on toast. Don't tell anyone about this, because if you do, you'll get them killed."
The guy shuts the door behind them, then the ginger opens it again.
"I'm Rebel and this is the Doctor," she said pointing to the guy, "What's your name?"
"Nice to meet you, Rose," they both said. "Run for your life!"
Rose runs faster than ever before. She made her way to the main road, nervous of the dummies in the windows. She runs across the road, nearly getting hit by a black cab. The taxi driver yells, "WATCH IT!!!"
Then KaBOOM! A huge fire takes out the upper floor of Hendrick's. She runs past an out of date police telephone box just in the alley between two other stores. She runs till she gets home.
The telly is on when she gets there, "The whole of Central London has been closed off as police investigate the fire. Early reports indicate..."
Her mom is on the phone as she sits on the settee, "I know. It's everywhere. She's lucky to be alive. Honestly, it's aged her. Skin like an old bible. Walking in now you'd think I was her daughter. Oh, and here's himself."
Micky, Rose's boyfriend, walks in, "I've been phoning your mobile. You could've been dead. It's on the news and everything. I can't believe that your shop went up!"
"I'm all right, honestly, I'm fine! Don't make a fuss."
"Well, what happened?"
"I don't know!" She was getting annoyed at Mickey.
He just kept asking, "What was it though? What caused it?"
Rose replies, "I wasn't in the shop. I was outside. I didn't see anything."
She was thinking about the Doctor and Rebel.
Her mom was still on the phone, "It's Debbie on the end. She knows a man on the Mirror. Five hundred quid for an interview."
"Oh that's brilliant!" Rose said sarcastically, "Give it here."
She takes the phone and ends the call.
Jackie tells her, "Well, you've got to find some way of making money. Your job's kaput and I'm not bailing you out."
It rings almost immediately afterwards, "Bev! She's alive. I've told her, sue for compensation. She was within seconds of death."
Mickey looks at her, "What're you drinking, tea? Nah, nah, that's no good, that's no good. We're going down the pub, you and me. My treat. How about it?"
She thought about it, "Is there a match on?"
"No, I'm just thinking about you, babe."
"There's a match on, ain't there?"
"That's not the point, but we could catch the last five minutes."
Rose chuckled, "Go on, then. I'm fine, really. Go. Get rid of that."
She through the Auton's arm that Rebel had given her to him. They kissed, and he picked up the arm.
"Bye, bye," he says.
"Bye," Rose says.
She watches as her boyfriend pretends to be strangled by the plastic arm, and leaves.
The telly is saying, "...Fire then spread throughout the store. Fifteen fire crews are in attendance though it's throught there is very little chance of saving the infrastructure."
Outside Mickey was whistling and through the arm into a rubbish bin. In the distance a couple is having a blazing row.
The next morning Rose's alarm went off at 7:30 like always and Jackie said, "There's no point in getting up sweetheart. You've got no job to go to."
They are looking for jobs for Rose.
"There's Finch's. You could try them. They've always got jobs," Jackie says.
Rose replies, "Oh, great. The butchers."
"Well, it might do you good. That shop was giving you airs and graces. And I'm not joking about compensation. You've had a genuine shock and trama. Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just because the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek! I know she is Greek, but that's not the point. It was a valid claim."
She hears something rattle at the door, "Mum, you're such a liar. I told you to nail that cat flap down. We're going to get strays."
"I did it weeks back."
"No, you thought about it."
She finds the screws for the flap on the floor. Then it moves. She opens it and the Doctor is trying to look through. She opens the door.
"What are you doing here?" He asks.
Rebel looked annoyed with him.
"I live here," Rose replies.
"Well, what do you do that for?" He asks. Rebel slaps him.
Rose giggled, "Because I do. I'm only at home because two people blew up my job."
"We must have got the wrong signal. You're not plastic, are you? No, bonehead. Bye, then." He was getting annoying.
Rose says, "You two. Inside. Right now."
Rose pulls the Doctor inside and Rebel follows.
Jackie calls, "Who is it?"
Jackie is doing her makeup in her bedroom.
"It's about last night. They're part of the inquiry. Give us 10 minutes," Rose told her.
"She deserves compensation." Jackie told us.
"Oh, we're talking millions," Rebel said stifling a laugh.
"I'm in my dressing gown," Jackie said.
The Doctor replied, "Yes, you are."
"There's a strange man in my bedroom."
Rebel burst into laughter and walked away.
"Yes, there is," the Doctor said.
"Well, anything could happen."
The Doctor finally got why Rebel had laughed, "No."
He walked away.
Rose said, "Don't mind the mess. Do you want coffee?"
The Doctor says, "Might as well, thanks. Just milk."
Rebel shakes her head.
Rose says, "We should go to the police. Seriously. All three of us."
Rebel looks at the copy of Heat on the coffee table, "That won't last, he's gay and she's and alien."
"I'm not blaming you, even if it was some sort of joke that went wrong."
The Doctor flips through a paperback, "Hmm. Sad ending."
"They said on the news they'd found a body."
Rebel and the Doctor said, "Rose Tyler."
The Doctor was looking at himself in the mirror as if for the first time since he regenerated, "Ah, could have been worse. Look at the ears."
"All the same, he was nice. Nice bloke."
Rebel tries to shuffle a pack of cards.
The Doctor says, "Luck be a lady."
"Anyway, if we going to go to the police, I want to know what I'm saying."
The pack of cards goes flying.
"I want you to explain everything."
"Maybe not."
The cat flap rattles.
"What's that, then? You got a cat?" Rebel asks as she likes cats.
"No," Rose says as unseen by anyone the Auton arm grabs the Doctor by the throat, "We did have, but now they're just strays. They come in off the estate." She came back with the mugs in her hand, she doesn't notice the Doctor being strangled, "I told Mickey to chuck that out. You're all the same. Give a man a plastic hand. Anyway, I don't even know your guy's names. Doctor and Rebel were they?"
Rebel's eyes were turning red again. She runs over to the Doctor and pulls the arm away from him. It slips from her grasp and in mid flight grabs Rose's face instead. The Doctor pulls at it, pulling Rose down on top of himas they fall into the coffee table and smash it. Jackie using her hair dryer hears nothing. He finally gets the arm off Rose with his sonic screwdriver, then jabs the device into its palm. The fingers stop flexing.
"It's all right, I've stopped it. There you go, you see? Armless," the Doctor said.
Rebel knew what was coming.
Rose said, "Do you think?" Then hits his head with it.
Rebel had to restrain the red eyes as the Doctor said, "Ow!"
The Doctor and Rebel got up to leave and Rose said, "Hold on a minute. You can't just go swanning off."
Rebel replied, "Yes we can. Here we are. This is us, swanning off. See you."
"But that arm was moving. It tried to kill me."
"Ten out of ten for observation," the Doctor said.
"You guys can't just walk away. That's not fair. You've got to tell me what's going on."
"No, we don't," they say together.
They got outside and Rose said, "All right, then. I'll go to the police. I'll tell everyone. You said, if I did that, I'd get people killed. So, your choice. Tell me or I'll start talking."
Rebel's eyes were almost completely red and there was a sword starting to form in her hand, "Is that supposed to sound tough?"
Rose said, "Sort of."
"Doesn't work," Rebel said.
"Who are you two?"
"I told you he is the Doctor and I am Rebel."
"Yeah, but Doctor what and Rebel against what?"
"Just Rebel and the Doctor," Rebel said.
"The Doctor and Rebel?"
"Hello!" They said.
"Is that supposed to sound impressive?"
"No," Rebel said.
"Sort of," the Doctor said.
"Come on, then. You can tell me. I've seen enough. Are you the police?"
"No, we were just passing through. We are both a long way from home," they saw with a far away look in there eye's.
"What have I done wrong? How come those things keep coming after me?"
Rebel now had a sword made of wood in her hand, "Oh, suddenly the entire world revolves around you?! You were just an accident. You got in the way, that's all."
"It tried to kill me."
"It was after us, not you. Last night, in the shop, we were there, you blundered in, almost ruined the whole thing. This morning, we were tracking it down, it was tracking us down. The only reason it fixed on you is 'cos you've met us!" Rebel said her voice getting louder with evey voice till she was yelling.
"So, what your saying is, the entire world revolves around you?"
"Sort of, yeah," the Doctor said.
"You're full of it," Rose said.
"Sort of, yeah."
"But, all this plastic stuff. Who else knows about it?"
"No one but her," the Doctor said pointing to a red eyed Rebel.
"What, you two are on your own?"
"Well, who else is there?" Rebel said, "I man, you lot, all you do is eat chips, go to bed, and watch telly, (I speak from experience), while all the time underneath you, there's a war going on."
"Okay. Start from the beginning. I maen, if we're going to go with the living plastic, and I don't even believe that, but if we do, how did you kill it?"
The Doctor replied, "The thing controlling it projects life into the arm. I cut off the signal, dead."
"Yeah. So, who's controlling it, then?"
"Long story," Rebel said.
"But what's it all for? I mean, shop window dummies, what's that about? Is someone trying to take over Britain's shops?"
Rebel said, "It's not a price war. They want to overthrow the human race and destroy you. Do you believe us?"
"But you're still listening," the Doctor said.
"Really, though, Doctor, Rebel, tell me who are you guys?"
"Do you know like we were saying about the Earth revolving? It's like when you were a kid. The first time they tell you the world's turning and you just can't quite believe it because everything looks like it is standing still. We can feel it." The Doctor says as Rose touches his hand, "The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles and hour, and the entire planet is hurtling round the sun at 67 thousand miles an hour, and we can feel it. We're falling through space, you, her, and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go." His hand dropped, "That's who we are. Now, forget us, Rose Tyler. Go home."
The Doctor and Rebel walk towards the TARDIS with the arm. Rose is walking off towards another block of flats when there is a rush of air and a strange sound. She turns, and runs back, and the TARDIS is gone.
She walked toward her boyfriend's flat and when she entered he said, "Hey, hey, here's my woman. Kit off!"
"Shut up."
They kiss and Mickey asks, "Coffee?"
"Yeah, only if you wash the mug. And I don't mean rinse, I mean wash. Can I use your computer?"
"Yeah. Any excuse to get in the bedroom. Don't read my emails!!"
Rose got on the computer and used Search-Wise to hunt for Doctor, 17,700,000 results. Doctor Living Plastic 55,300 results. Doctor Blue Box 493 results. The top one says - Doctor Who? ... do you know this man contact Clive her. She clicks on the site the site and there is a fuzzy picture of the Doctor. She wrote down the address and asked, "Mickey, will you drive me here?"
Mickey drove Rose to that address in his yellow VW bettle.
"You're not coming in. He's dafe. He's got a wife and kids."
"Yeah, who told you that? He did. That's exactly what an internet lunatic murderer would.say."
One of Clive's neighbors put their greem wheelie bun and gives Mickey a nasty look. Rose gets out of the car and walks across the street. As soon as she knocks a boy opens it.
"Hello, I've come to see Clive? We've been emailing."
"Dad! It's one of your nutters!"
Clive came to the door, "Oh, sorry. Hello. You must be Rose. I'm Clive, obviously."
"I'd better tell you now. My boyfriend's waiting in the car, just in case you're going to kill me."
"No, good point. No murders," he waved to Mickey.
His wife yelled, "Who is it?"
"Oh, it's something to do with the Doctor. She's been reading the website. Please, come through. I'm in the shed."
"She? She's read about the Doctor? She's a she?"
We make our way to the shed. When we got in there there were so many pictures. Clive said, "A lot of this stuff's quite sensitive. I couldn't just send it to you. People might intercept it, if you know what I mean. If you dig deep enough and keep a lively mind, this Doctor keeps cropping up all over the place. Political diaries, conspiracy theories, even ghost stories. No first name, no last name, just The Doctor. Always The Doctor. And the title seems to have been passed down from father to son. It appears to be an inheritance. That's your Doctor there, isn't it?"
"Yeah. What about another person, Rebel?"
"Rebel appears in different places until one day she up and disappeared. Did you meet her to?"
"Yeah a version."
"I tracked down the picture to Washington public archive just last year. The online photo's enhanced, but if we look at the original. November the 22nd, 1963. The assassination of President Kennedy. You see?"
"It must be his father."
"Going further back. April 1912. This is a photo of the Daniels family of Southampton, and a friend. This was taken the day before they were due to sail off for the new world on the Titanic, for some unknown reason, they cancelled the trip and survived. And here we are 1883. Another Doctor, with Rebel this time," he handed me a sketch, "And look, the same lineage. It's identical. This one washed upon the coast of Sumatra on the very day Krakatoa exploded. The Doctor is a legend woven throughout history. When disaster comes, he's here. He brings the storm in his wake and has one constant companion."
"Who's that?" She asked thinking about Rebel.
Meanwhile outside on the street, the wheelie bin moves closer to Mickey's car.
"If the Doctor is back, and Rebel with him. If you have seen both of them together, Rose, then one thing's for certain. We're all in danger."
Outside Mickey watches the bin move and decides to get out of his car. He goes to the bin and lifts the lid, "Come on, then."
"If they have singled you out, if they are making house calls, then God help you."
Outside Mickey was annoyed. He shut the lid and finds that he is stuck to the plastic. When he pulls it stretches and finally whips Mickey inside itself. It burps.
"Who is he? Who do you think he is?"
"I think he's the same man. I think he's immortal I think they are both aliens from another world."
Rose walked back to Mickey's car and he's sitting behind the steering wheel.
"All right, he's a nutter. Off his head. Complete online conspiracy freak. You win! What are we going to do tonight? I fancy a pizza."
Being plastic Mickey he said, "Pizza! P-p-p-pizza!"
"Or Chinese."
Plastic Mickey weaves down the road like he is drunk. When they got to the pizza place Rose was still oblivious to shiny skin and wide smile that Mickey has fixed on his face.
"Do you think I should try the hospital? Suki said they had A jobs going in the canteen. Is that it then, dishing our chips? I could do A Levels. I don't know. It's all Jimmy Stone's faylt. I only left schoou because of him. Look where he ended up. What do you think?"
"So, where did you meet this Doctor and Rebel?"
"I'm sorry, wasn't I talking about me for a second?"
"Because I reckon it started back at the shop, am I right? Were they something to do with that?"
"Come on."
"Sort of."
"What were they doing there?"
"I'm not going on about it, Mickey. Really, I'm not, because, I know it sounds daft, but I don't think it's safe. I think they are dangerous."
"But you can trust me, sweetheart, Babe, sugar, babe, sugar. You can tell me anything. Tell me about the Doctor and Rebel and what they are planning, and I can help you, Rose. Because that's all I really want to do, sweetheart, babe, babe, sugar, sweetheart."
"What are you doing that for?"
A red eyed waiter came to the table, "Your champagne."
Plastic Mickey getting more mad, "We didn't order any champagne. Where's the Doctor and Rebel?"
A guy this time, "Madam, your champagne."
Angry Rose, "It's not ours. Mickey what is it? What's wrong?"
"I need to find out how much they know, so where are they?"
Both the waiters, "Doesn't anybody want this champagne?"
The Mickey copy looks up to see the Doctor and Rebel are the waiters, "Ah. Gotcha."
They were both shaking the bottles, "Don't mind us just toasting to the happy couple. On the house!"
They both release the corks and both fly into Plastic Mickey's face. A few moments later he spit them out, "Anyway."
He gets up and his hand turns into a chopper. Rose runs, Mickey wrecks the table. The Doctor grabs the Auton and pulls off its head. All the customers take off screaming. The head says, "Don't think that's going to stop me."
The body gets up and starts flailing around.
They run through the kitchens Rebel carrying the head ao that she didn't turn. The body wrecked the restaurant before following them to the back exit.
Rebel and the Doctor seal the gate shut and Rose runs past the TARDIS down the alley. There were padlocked gates.
"Open the gate! Use the tube thing. Come on!"
"Sonic Screwdriver and Pen," Rebel said.
"Use it!"
"Nah. Tell you what," the Doctor said, "lets go in here."
He unlocked the TARDIS and him and Rebel go inside while the Auton bangs on the metal door leaving dents.
She tried the gate and then ran inside the TARDIS. She took one look and runs outside. She ran around it and ran back in when the Auton finally broke the metal door.

The Day...
RandomA story about a Time Lord named Rebel and her brother The Doctor. After what seems like a lifetime for the Doctor he finally finds his sister again. Rebel comes back and she is very important.