000 | prologue

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Ben's hands shook as he walked up to the house, the house he had spent so many hours and years at, he wasn't nervous for turning up uninvited, no. He was nervous at the fact that he was about to walk into the house and tell his best friend, his other half, that he was moving country. Not only country, but continent for Christ's sake.

He walked into the house shaking slightly, Gwil knew something was up already, because he never did a rain check, he always just turned up. Whether or not Gwilym and his family were home. Gwil couldn't count how many times he had come home to see Ben on his bed eating a packet of crisps from their pantry, completely uninvited, but welcome nonetheless.

He walked past Mrs. Lee with a small smile and a greeting, before running up the stairs, skipping the third one because it creaked. A habit he'd developed after him and Gwil had snuck out and he had stood on it causing both of them to be berated by an angry Mr. Lee, who was such a gentle-natured man that it was petrifying. He opened Gwilym's door to see the taller boy sitting in his desk chair strumming his acoustic guitar with headphones in. Ben's fear all melted away as he crept up behind the guitarist, he placed his hands on the top of the desk chair and took a quick breath before spinning it as hard as he could, jumping back so he didn't get hit by Gwil's legs.

"I swear to god Ben! I nearly just shat myself!", The boy who, having fallen off the desk chair, snapped from the floor. Ben tried to form a response but couldn't make any legible sounds other than a deep cackle. Gwil tried to look unimpressed at his blond friend before a smile broke out of his face at how hard he was laughing over something so simple. Said blond was now taking deep gasping breaths, trying to calm himself, before saying. 

"It wasn't even the fact you fell. It was the way you matrix rolled mid-air to save the guitar." The mousy-brown haired boy paused for a second before letting out a sharp laugh at his heroic move for his guitar. The two sat there comfortably in silence, basking in eachother's presence. 

"Oh yeah, why d'you ask if I was home-? That's never stopped you before", The final sentence of the phrase said in a joking way as he elbowed Ben. Though his smile dropped when he saw the dower expression on his friend's face. Gwil pushed the guitar onto the guitar stand before scooting over to the blond.

"Lavender, what's wrong?" He asked, purposefully using the nicknames they had come up with when they were younger. Ben sniffled as Gwilym laced his hands through his own. He looked up sadly and mumbled.

"I'm moving schools." Gwil's body language shuffled from concerned to relieved.

"Oh god Lavender, I thought it would be worse than that. We'll still see eachother dail-" He was cut off by Ben who forced the words out of his mouth.

"The one mum always wanted me to go to...", a tear ran down the blond's cheek as he saw Gwilym practically deflate. The brunette sat there fumbling over his words, trying to think of something, anything, to say but he just couldn't. So he did what he could and detached their hands, causing Ben's head to shoot up in nervousness at what Gwil's reaction would be, and wrapped his arms around Ben tightly, wanting anything but to let go. He took several gasping breaths as he tried to formulate words.

"That's. That's in America though-?!" he managed to gasp out. Ben sobbed an apology into the brunette's shoulder. He started to rub the blond's back in comfort. Mrs. Lee decided to walk into the room at that point. 

"Oh Goodness! What's happening here?" She asked, giving an accusatory look towards her son, before seeing the broken expression on his face. She sat down quickly next to the boys and raised an eyebrow, asking for an explanation softly. Ben's sat up slightly, giving Gwilym the sign that he was going to speak. Gwil pulled back from their hug and grabbed his hands in reassurance.

"I'm moving to New York. Mum always wanted me to go to the school." He uttered out, voice cracking mid-sentence. She gasped softly and brought him into a motherly hug, running her hand through his hair as she held the crying boy to her chest.

"When do you leave?" she prompted. He took a shaky breath before muttering the words next week.

"Next week?! Christ it's mid August?" Gwil gasped and grabbed the boy from his mothers arms, he wasn't going to waste the next week with his best-friend.

"Dad says I need to get settled into the apartment there and get used to the timezone change." The blond mumbled shaking slightly. They stayed there for a couple of minutes, and Mrs. Lee left the room, giving them space. It was there that they made plans for the next 7 days, those days would be the most fun they have ever had.



Welcome to the prologue! Next Chapter will be in America on the day school starts :))

This chapter is kind of sad but it gets better! or does it >:)

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Lots of love,

- A. <3

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