002 | this thing (this thing)

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"You must be Benjamin, I'm Debbie, your guide for this week!" The busty blonde was leaning into Ben at an uncomfortable closeness. He gave a small shaky smile, which seemed to be passable because she returned a bright smile.

"You can just call me Ben, Benjamin's a bit too formal innit?" He quickly stated, slipping into British slang accidentally out of nervous habit. She blushed deeply at his voice and opened her mouth to speak before another blonde approached and started to speak to Debbie. They were quickly talking to each other in hushed voices before the new girl turned to him and deepened her voice.

"And who might you be?" it was meant to be said flirtatiously, but came off like she had a cold. Ben had to suppress the urge to shudder, she was wearing a thick layer of make-up that didn't compliment her features at all. 'I've had to deal with chavs and even they would think this is much' He thought with a slight chuckle, he became present in the moment again and faltered slightly.

"Uh, Ben. Ben Hardy." He ran his hand through his hair anxiously. The new girl practically purred at the sight of his hand running through his hair. 'God, I might actually have to take Gwil's offer of protecting me from these fucking weird Americans' He was starting to realise how much he missed England and Gwilym.

"Wait. Hardy? Like Charlotte Hardy?" The new girl who he had still not gotten the name of asked innocently. He looked down awkwardly. He mustered up a smile and gave the weak response of.

"Yep that's my mum", Both blonde girls looked up at him in recognition now. Their moods brightened just as quickly as his hand dampened.

"Oh my god! How is she?! She was besties with my mom!" The change of the pronunciation of mum was something he swore he'd never get over. He gave a quick sigh before summoning the will to say the next few words. He hadn't ever said them aloud and he didn't think he'd be able to say them without breaking down into tears. But this time he'd have no Gwilym to comfort him.

"She's gone..." he mumbled, Debbie's face dropped but her friend didn't seem to get the hint.

"Gone where?" She asked so obliviously it was comical, Debbie turned to her and hit her over the arm with a 'Stacy, he's saying she died'. He gulped 'Please if there is a god up there get me out of here' and with that thought, the headphone that he had in his ear started to play a line from Keep Yourself Alive. Gwilym's ringtone. He quickly pulled out his Mobile and answered.

"Hey love." The girls who were with him were aghast at the word love being uttered.
"Love?" Gwil questioned with a chuckle, "That's a first"
"Is it really? Maybe it's just America making me miss you" The blond said with a wink, even though Gwil couldn't see it.
"I can practically feel that wink all the way from America to my house. Not that I'm mad about receiving a wink from the illustrious Ben Jones." Gwil said, his voice dropping at the end to a playful flirtatious tone. Ben let out a soft laugh, one of the few genuine ones of today.
"I'll have you know. My dear" He said, accentuating the pet name, trying to call the other boy as many as he can. "It's Hardy here." To which Gwil started to say Hardy... over pronouncing the 'R'.
"Hold on Darling, why are you at your house?" Ben questioned, the other boy's words catching up to him. He now realised that the two girls were mumbling at eachother with shocked expressions. He tried to listen in and caught a couple words of. Plan... Shit... Girlfriend... What now... get rid of her... He was shocked to say the least but tried to act unfazed.
"So... I uhh," Gwil started, holding back a laugh. "I got suspended Darling."
"You. You got suspended?" Ben said, raising a hand to his mouth. Gwil started cackling on the other side of the line. "How?!" He said a bright smile forming to the confusion of the girls in front of him.
"You know how I had to leave the call earlier? Yeah, The morgue was yelling at me to get off my phone and I asked why because it was lunch, and he said because he didn't know who I was talking to... So I told a little white lie, Saying I was talking to this short blonde girl who was very fit." Ben ran a hand through his hair laughing at the description.
"Are you calling me fit, Love of my life?" He realised how confusing this was to the two Americans, as their use of fit is like healthy or something.
"It'd be hard to deny, you are pretty hot, Good old-fashioned lover boy." Gwil's tone was sincere and Ben was honestly flattered by his friend's words. He chuckled at the weird petname.
"Aww, you flatter me Sunflower, but could you repeat that last bit?" Gwil went silent for a couple of seconds before going.
"I thought we were doing Queen songs, You said Love Of My Life, I responded with Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy." Gwil's words were accompanied with a sweet laugh that made Ben's stomach twist in longing. God he missed him. His mouth moved quicker than his brain with his response.
"Ah yes, that makes perfect sense my Fat Bottomed Gwil." His cheeks went instantly red, and his eyes wide as he realised what he had said and he leant back onto the wall with a silent groan. His panic was instantly wiped away with Gwil's loud laugh (and an exclamation of 'Sorry Mum').
"Nice to know you think my arse is nice. Wait. Mum, Please I swear it's Ben." His flirty sentence was cut off by a panicked tone.
"I'll believe it when I hear him." His mother's voice rang over the phone, sounding annoyed.
"You're on speaker Ben." Gwil's voice sheepishly rang through. A smirk was placed onto his face as he raised his voice a few octaves and gained a Liverpudlian accent.
"Ben? Who's Ben? Are you at home with another girl right now??" Ben's voice got shriller at the end. He held his index finger up to his lips at the girls who were giggling to no end. Gwil groaned and his mother started berating him for lying to her. He started laughing and tried to hold it back but couldn't.
"Mrs. Lee, does this count as abuse?" He asked innocently in his normal, deep voice. He heard Mrs. Lee stutter and then mutter. "I'm too tired for this"
"Benjamin, I'm going to kill you, Darling" Gwil paused before saying the last word. He sighed and said "What's it like having no uniform?"
"Oh god it's the best. I'm wearing a white shirt, black ripped jeans and a leather jacket. Comfy as all hell." Ben gushed happily, running his hand over the leather jacket. He heard rustling over the phone before the sound of an unplugged electric guitar graced his ears. He heard Gwil giggle as he played the guitar start of Crazy Little Little Thing Called Love. All of a sudden a shrill bell rang through the hall.
"Shit, Sorry Radio Ga Ga, The bell's just gone off." Ben mumbled, keeping up with the Queen song, pet names. Gwil snorted.
"Bye Love"

The phone call ended and the blonde girls looked at him and then each other. Then Stacy, who's name he learnt before the phone call, stepped forward. "Was that your girlfriend?" she asked bluntly, causing Ben to chuckle at the thought of Gwil dressed up in Brian May's I Want To Break Free outfit. "Oh yeah, She's absolutely gorgeous, she's tall, a brunette, and has the most beautiful blue eyes." He said, slowly realising that he wasn't lying about anything he said, well, apart from the pronouns. 'Oh shit. Do I have feelings for Gwil?' 


Hello! :D

One more chapter down. It's fairly long this time! (that's what she said)

I hope y'all enjoy this, if anyone's actually reading it LMFAO i think the borhap fandom, has kind of perished but-

i'm still here. i'm still standing :D

- A <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2021 ⏰

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