001 | new york, new school

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There was nothing enjoyable about the ear-splittingly loud alarm that was currently sounding itself from Ben's phone. Especially the fact that his phone was across the room, it was a trick that Gwil had taught him. 'Keep your alarm across the room. That way you have to stand up to get your phone, and then you're more awake.'

The blond groaned and stood up, trudging his way over to his phone and slamming his hand onto the phone to make it stop making the god-awful sound.

"Two fucking weeks wasn't enough to adjust to this time zone. London's ahead of New York, why am I struggling to get up early." Ben muttered to himself angrily. His mood quickly perked up at the fact he was finally going to a school where there was no uniforms.

Slipping on some black ripped jeans, that he had torn himself by falling off one of the roofs of his old school, a white shirt accompanied by a black leather jacket. Taking a step back he looked in the mirror and snorted.

"Crazeh lil thing called love", he said, putting on an atrocious, but still recognisable Freddie Mercury impression. Laughing at his own idiocrasy he grabbed his Dr Martens and put them on before walking out the door. It was odd stepping out of his flat and not seeing other people walking down the street. 'Do Americans not walk to school? Fucking lazy.' He thought to himself, sighing audibly. He pulled out his headphones and pressed play on his playlist, playing Everybody Wants To Rule The World.

He looked up at the school campus that he had just arrived at and raised an eyebrow. 'Jesus mum. You could have told me you wanted to send me to a swanky school.' He walked into the office of the school and walked up to the admin lady. She exhaustedly raised an eyebrow at the fact he was standing in front of her, as he looked to be older than the usual confused freshmen.

"Uh. I'm the new transfer student... Ben, Ben Hardy." The look she was giving him was so skeptical that even he was doubting whether or not he was Ben Hardy. Though he wasn't actually Ben 'Hardy', That was his mothers maiden name which he had decided to go by as to honour his mother at the school she had once attended. He sighed in relief when her face lit up in recognition of the name.

"Oh Mr. Hardy! Welcome to our school, we hope you enjoy your schooling years with us. Here is your hall pass, so that you can look around the school through first period. Your locker number is 870 in the Sophomore wing." She stated with a smile, holding out a piece of paper. Ben grabbed the piece of paper with a polite smile and turned around, adjusting the bag that was on one of his shoulders. He started to look around placing the headphones back in his ears and walking. People had finally started to arrive at the school making the halls slightly more crowded but not enough so that it was overwhelming. 'Wait a minute... what the fuck is a hall pass-?' He questioned in his head.

Looking at the locker numbers he noticed he was at his locker, twisting the locker combination in quickly he dumped his bag in it and decided to scope out the best place to avoid people. He noticed earlier that the Sophomore building had a flat top roof that students could access, so he decided to make his way up. As he walked, to the beat of Another One Bites The Dust, he noticed a group of girls pointing and blushing at him. He gave a small smile and winked at them before continuing on his way to the roof, ignoring how one of them squealed. He reached the roof and noticed an area which wasn't visible to anyone else, so he quickly walked up to it, checking around for cameras. 'Thank god there aren't any cameras at this fucking school' He thought reaching into the inside of his leather jacket and pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. He lit the cigarette and took a drag before noticing the giggles of the girls from earlier around the corner from where he was.

'Can't you get a little privacy, christ almighty' He snapped in his head before realising that no-one had actually heard him speak apart from the office lady. 'They probably want to hear if I have an accent.'

His phone started to ring, cutting off whatever he was thinking. Ben groaned slightly and took a long drag before looking down at it.

Sunflower 💛

He smiled at the name and quickly pressed answer. He held the phone up so his face could be visible in the facetime. Gwilym's face popped up on the screen to show the brunette with a big smile, waving aggressively.

"Hey Sunflower", Ben said, unable to hold back the grin at seeing his friends face. He heard the girls from around the corner audibly swoon and even heard one of them say
"Finally, the hot British transfer student of my dreams"

"How's the land of yee-haw treating you, mate?" Gwil said accentuating the 'yee-haw' with a terrible American accent, causing the blond to raise an eyebrow.

"It's been a little odd getting used to the American accent, which is much more tolerable than whatever bullshit that was." He started causing the brunette to let out a wheeze, and shake his head. "They have said Hardy weirdly though. Like it's ridiculous, it's 'Haa-dee' they pronounce it as 'HaRRdee'." He looked back down at his phone after his quick rant to see the brunette with a look of pure amusement.

"You", Gwil paused for a second, laughing. "You good there buddy? Do you need me to come over there and fight away the scary Americans?" He said in a baby voice. Ben gave him a scathing look before taking a long drag from his cigarette. Gwil groaned slightly.

"That's something I won't miss." Ben looked at the brunette confused at his statement. Gwilym laughed before continuing. "I won't miss coming home from a night out with you and my mum asking me why I smell like fags." The blond laughed loudly.

"You mean 'Mrs. Lee's famous interrogation sessions'." They both shuddered in sync at the thought. Gwil muttered an "Oh fuck." under his breath before hurriedly whispering. "I wanted to talk to you for longer but The Morgue might kill me for being on my phone, love you Lavender" Ben quickly responded with "You poof, but love you too, Sunflower"

He kicked his cigarette bud into the corner and stepped around the corner he was behind and was instantly approached by a rather busty girl.



Chapter one is done! Ben's in America and is his first day of school.

I hope you like this. Feel free to vote! Also please leave some comments, I'd love to hear your feedback :D

- A. <3

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