Chapter 2

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𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚊𝚑 𝙿𝙾𝚅

𝙱𝚛𝚎𝚢𝚊𝚑 𝙿𝙾𝚅꧁𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎𒊹︎꧂

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It's been three days since I've talked to Dior. I haven't been able to get out of my head. it seems like every emotion I've played down for the last month came at me like a truck.

Right now I'm angry.

The floor seemed to sway but I didn't care enough to stop my rampage.

My legs burned as I continued to kick my kitchen cabinets in. Once the cracking ceased and it finally gave in, I slowly started to regret my tantrum.

I walked into my living room to find it a mess.

Glass, cushions, and the DVD collection I've been building for the last 8 years were scattered around the living space.

I bent down to grab the Moesha season 1 special DVD when I heard my doorbell ring, which was weird because Dee always called before she came up.

I made my way to the door, slowly cracking it open, just to make eye contact with....Ap?

" Why are you here, actually, how do you know where I live?"

He stood there with a nonchalant look on his face like I hadn't said anything.

"Is there anything you need? Because if you're going to stand here and ignore me I would rather you leave," I spoke in irritation. I have no patience for this right now seeing as I still feel anger boiling in my chest.

Not saying a word he pushed me aside making his way into my apartment, coming to halt when he saw the mess I had previously made.

I marched up to him, immediately trying to shove him back towards the door.

" I didn't say you can come in, you fucking weirdo" I huffed as I attempted to push him out. Key word: attempted.

He didn't budge, but instead gripped my hands tightly and brought them back to my side with a questioning look.

When he finally decided that I was done trying to force him out of my home, he let my hands go.

"Dior asked me to drop this off," he said handing me an envelope I didn't notice until now.

"She said your dad dropped it off at her house because you haven't been answering your phone' he added as he saw the confused look on my face.

I grabbed the envelope immediately walking to the trash can tossing it in. I stood there for a moment, taking a deep breath.

When I returned to the living room, it was empty, with my cushions where they belong and my DVDs in a stack by my tv stand.

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