4. Chilling and reconnecting

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The next day i woke up at 9am. I did my morning routine and dressed in some comfortable clothes to chill at home with.

 I did my morning routine and dressed in some comfortable clothes to chill at home with

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I went downstairs and chilled with Ivory and a book. After about 10 minutes i heard a ding. I picked up my phone.

New message from Dray

Hey y/n/n, you up?

Yeah, why?

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?

Of course i do, do you even need to ask? I missed you like crazy!

Aww, i missed you too y/n/n

Do you wanna come over to mine?

Yeah, I'll be there in 5

Okay, see you soon Dray x

I put my phone down along with my book and just sat down strolling Ivory peacefully.

A few minutes later i heard the doorbell ring.

I tried to get up but Ivory growled at me, refusing to let me up.

"Ivory, i need to get up honey, please let me up" she just looked at me unimpressed. "Fine, I'll take you with me" i rolled my eyes.

I picked her up and walked over to the door.

"Hey, sorry i took so long, someone wouldn't let me get up" i chuckled.

He laughed along with me "it's fine, can i at least give you both a cuddle?" I laughed again and nodded.

He walked over to me and Ivory and engulfed us both in his embrace.

He let us both go after a couple of seconds and we went to the lounge to play with Ivory together.

"I see your sporting my house colours, showing your Slytherin pride" Draco smirked as he looked me up and down. "What?" I asked looking confused. He laughed "sorry, i forgot you don't go to Hogwarts".

"So everyone is sorted into houses at the beginning of their first year. Your house is-" i cut him off "i know what a house is, we have them in Ilvermorny you know". I laughed at him as he scratched his neck and nervously chuckled "right, sorry".

"So there are 4 different houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin" he explains "Gryffindor is bravery, Hufflepuff is loyalty, Ravenclaw is intelligence and Slytherin is ambition. Of course its a bit more complex than that, but that's the basic idea". He pauses to breathe whilst i listen intently, "each house has 2 colours to represent it, they have reasons behind the colours but i wont bore you with the details" he laughs at his own joke. "Gryffindor is red and gold, Hufflepuff is yellow and black, Ravenclaw is blue and bronze and Slytherin is green and silver. That's why i said your sporting my house colours because your wearing-" i continued his thought "green and white which is like silver like your house colours, Slytherin". He smiled "exactly".

I smiled back and said "thanks for the history lesson on Hogwarts" he laughed and said "your welcome cutie" i blushed.

We both spent the afternoon chilling out together and catching up from our lost time.

We stayed up later than we realised and it was too late for Draco to walk back home so we decided to have a sleepover.

"Just like old times" Draco said with a smirk as he came back to my bedroom after brushing his teeth in the bathroom.

We talked a little more then wished each other a good night with a long hug. I missed his big hugs, it felt nice to be back in his arms after all these years.

Then he left my room to go and sleep in the spare room because i insisted he sleep in a bed and not the floor and my parents wouldn't want us in the same bed.

I fell asleep almost instantly after he left.

- time skip -

When i woke up, Draco had already left.

I spent another day chilling at home with my parents and Ivory.

I missed this. Home, family, Draco...

It had been too long. Far too long.

I needed to talk to my parents about attending Hogwarts.

"Mother, father. I need to speak to the two of you" i announced.

"What is it sweetie?" My father asked.

"I feel I've been away from home for too long. I've explored the world, I've seen what it has to offer". My mother and father shared a knowing glance "i would like to spend my last 2 years of school at Hogwarts with Draco, if you would allow me too please. That way i could come home from the holidays".

My parents looked at each other then looked back to me with warm smiles.

My mother came over to me with open arms and wrapped them around me in a loving and comforting embrace "of course honey, we will arrange for you to start Hogwarts at the beginning of the school year".

I smiled "thank you so much mother, father" my father came over and hugged us both.


The next couple of weeks i spent reconnecting with my parents and Draco.

It was nice to have them all back in my lives, especially Draco. I missed him so so much. More than words could ever describe.

The weeks passed by so quickly and before i could blink i was getting my school supplies with my parents and preparing to get on that train.

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