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Days has passed and the Prince never showed his face again or else he'll be killed.
The youth spent his days plotting something to avenge his miserable state ever since their wedding night.

" You useless bird what made you think you'll escape death?" The youth asked the eagle with piercing eyes.

The bird on the other hand shivered realizing his name doesn't really suit him. Why is he called ' Lucky' clearly that his really ' Unfortunate'. The bird lowered its head unconsciously.

The youth snorted and hissed annoyed.

" That bastard better not dare show up or he'll be extremely embarrassed of himself." The youth smiled evily.

The bird was looking at the thing on the youths hand and it cant help but have pity with the prince.
On the youth's hand is just a very simple thing. But that thing is somehow dangerous
It can cut anything without even the tiniest flaw and was as sharp as the youths piercing eyes.

In the palace hall far away from the youth the Prince is currently debating with some corrupt officials. He is the second prince who is beyond excellent and that made the emperor put him in that complicated position.

After a long tiring day he will gather up his remaining strength to visit someone.

"Your Highness,the carriage is ready." Said a tall man with an outstanding appearance that will make you run away by his stare alone.

He is Li Yang. He is the most trusted guard of Xue Min the second prince.
Many people of the palace tried everything to bribe this person of the second prince away but they all failed. As they say " Loyalty and Respect goes both ways...if they don't return it...they don't deserve it."

The second prince heaved a deep sigh.

" It's already late at night, I wonder what is he up to these days." the second prince Xue Min looked at the dark sky solemnly.

"He is still mad he want nothing but to get you killed. He even sharpens that knife everyday bringing it along with him always." Li Yang
told him casually for he was used to it. The prince commanded him to spy the youth during his absence.

The prince made a soft chuckle that can be hardly seen. These days he remained grand and mighty it made his enemies fear him. When the time they run out of luck it is probably this person that will make them pay and suffer a huge debt for causing too much trouble for him.

" I had only gotten married for a week and this is what happens." He thought himself.

After the wedding night the emperor summoned him the other day urgently.

Li Yang being the most trusted person of him already knew him too well. He can see that the prince feels uneasy.

"He is doing well these days, your highness you don't have to worry too much." Li Yang trying to comfort the prince.

The prince nodded still worried.

"Let's take our leave then." Said the second prince

They arrived in the mansion almost midnight. This is what happens everyday.
The prince always come home late and by that time,the youth is already in a deep sleep that nothing can bother him. Before dawn the prince will leave and fulfill his duties in the Court once again.

This time,the prince joins the other in bed like he always did,kissed the youth's forehead and hug him from behind. This makes his tired soul be fixed.

The youth slowly opened his eyes with great caution. He took his time observing and was stunned when he noticed a hand gently wrapped around his waist. He slowly and carefully made a turn. What he sees is stunningly beautiful. He stared at the prince sleeping face and silently thought " A Deity in Disguise that will turn the good into evil." After a long while,the youth reached the Prince's face. He only used his index finger trailing from the Prince's hair,the bridge of his nose and stopped on his lips.

" I can't believe that you're mine though." he said softly with a passive face.

The prince can't hold it anymore. He smiled sincerely before opening his slightly dazing eyes that is really beautiful.

"So you're pretending all this time?" the youth scoffed.

"I'm all yours alright?" the prince assured the youth.

"Oh? So you can actually talk?"the youth asked innocently.

"En"the prince nodded

The prince is about to hug him closer but before he could even move,the youth already pointed the knife on the Prince's neck.

" Oh,I'm really wife please show mercy." the prince is actually playing around with the youth's action.

Seeing that the Xue Min is not afraid at all he became more anxious.

" I'm not kidding you know? I can actually kill you right now!"the youth said angrily.

The next moment,the youth felt chill run down his spine.
The prince started licking the youth's hand with the knife that is pointing on his throat while looking at the youths wide opened eyes.
The youth shivered making him drop the knife.
The prince thrown it immediately and pressed the youth down.

The prince kissed him softly.

"I missed you"

He started licking everywhere making the youth wanting more.

"S-stop!" the youth sounded like he is unsure.

The prince didn't say anything. He continues on doing what he wants untill the youth's breathing turned heavy.
The prince smirked and kissed the youth hungrily. This time the youth finally kissed him back giving the same intensity.

It took them a long while before they stopped.
The prince is still awake he can't help but look at the man sleeping soundly while lying naked on his chest. He smiled and fell asleep while embracing his other half's tired body.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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