Luckily Unlucky

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One surprising day few tall people in black all wearing masks unexpectedly come. Based on their appearance they can't be ordinary men.

The jail guard opened the door and those men came in and swept among the crowd of confused prisoners.

" Choose the worst one." whispered by one of them.

Those men started looking for the worst one around. The prisoners look quite fat for the unknown reason but the thin ones can also be somewhat active.

This time a tall black figure stand tall and firm in front of the thin and obviously weak youth.

"I found him!" the man in black said aloud and blindfolded him. Without further discussion he dragged the youth out with the rest of the men in black with masks following them behind.

The youth helplessly followed along without asking anything. Who knows what will happen he thought it doesn't matter anymore either death or living,still the same.

They rided carriage along the way. It took them hours before it finally stopped. A person harshly pushed him out.

" Don't be too hard on him idiot!" A man angrily scolded not too close from them.

"S-sorry" the man who pushed the youth retracted slightly trembling in fear.

The youth was dragged again and after a while they finally stopped.

" There are things inside the room. The maids will help you dress. We will wait here outside. Remember to wear the mask and don't you dare show your face to anyone." The man said with a firm voice and authority it only made the youth nod in silence. His eyes were blindfolded but the tension is too high he can feel immense danger.

After he got dressed and masked he was taken to another place.

" You will stay here for a month and we will be back to pick you in time." With that said they simply left him there alone and closed the huge gate.

The youth sighed heavily thinking this is way better after all. He scanned the whole place where he stood all alone and his lips slowly curled up. He made a loud whistle and within next seconds a large black mighty eagle landed on his left shoulder flapping it's strong and thick wings.

"How are you brother? Missed me?" The youth teased the mighty black large eagle.

The eagle on the other hand looked at him somewhat annoyed. If it can only roll his eyes.

" Ah! You're such a brat. I'm hungry I want food. Go get some." The youth whined helplessly feeling his empty stomach.

" Those bastard didn't give me food along the way.. really heartless. I hate humans."he said in desdain.

The large black eagle did not waste any time and flew high in the air leaving him whining there.

After a while it came back with plenty of food.

The two entered the room and the youth excitedly ate at his hearts content.

The youth found a mirror inside and he removed his mask.

" Lucky! look at my!" He said in disdain sharing his misery with the large black eagle.

Without saying anything the eagle left once again and arrived carrying medicine.

"Ah..Lucky is really capable! Smarter than the human race!" The youth said joyously praising the eagle. He took the medicine and applied it on his face.

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