The Damn

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" Kill all the traitors!!!!!"

The whole place is dried and the cracks can be seen almost everywhere on the ground. It is past noon but the dust and smoke will surely suffocate you as well as the bloody scent caused by the war. Piles of corpses visible to the eyes no matter how near or far you are. The war just ended three days ago but armored men came again to check if there's anyone alive left.

The ground is shaking violently in this moment that made the patrolling men feel dizzy. They almost kneeled on the ground to support themselves from falling off. It lasted for only a minute it made some of them throw up.

From a pile of corpses far away a hand reached out. A patrolling man saw it and his eyes almost popped out of fear.

"There's a ghost!! A ghost!! Look everyone!!" He cried with the evident fear written all over his face.

The patrolling men gathered close to him and they really saw a bloody hand reaching out weakly.

"You will meet your doom soon you'll only wish you died." a man said harshly and kicked the corpses covering the body of the reaching hand.

Once the corpses were kicked aside the body of young man about 15 years of age is revealed. He looks like he'll die anytime soon with his fully cuts and bruised bloody dirty body. His clothes were burned and thorned resembling an actual image of a dying slave. His scarred cheeks together with the dirt of soil and charcoal was quite unsightly and disgusting.

Before the young survivor could move and struggle to open his suffering eyes a painful kick welcomed him. Not only one person but more joined for kicking him mercilessly as if throwing him their life tantrums. He only let out groans of pains and helplessness for he can't even fight or move to walk the only thing he did was curl miserably on the ground while getting kicked.

"H-ha-ve me-mer-cy p-plea-se.." the young survivor uttered weakly but in the end nobody listened and they bullied him to their hearts content.

After a while they finally stopped and noticed that the boy almost past out and there are trails of blood from his mouth.
They felt very satisfied with the result. They hissed and gave one last painful kick.

Two of them held each of the beaten boy's leg and dragged him mercilessly not caring if still breathing or not.

A group of people arrived in a smelly and cold place throwing a thin body inside where darkness and groans of pains combined perfectly terrible.

"Welcome to your death paradise!!" A person said laughing mockingly followed by the sound of chains and footsteps fading away.

The beaten youth finally got to his conciousness but can only hardly move and endure his aching body for a long while. He managed to open his eyes and met a wide and horrific scene.

" Where am I?" He thought himself and observed his current location.

He is indeed in prison.

" My luck this time is really bad." He thought again himself while twitching his lips helplessly.

Inside this wide,cold chilling,smelly and dark place,he can hardly see everything due to the lacking of light that passes from a single hole but because of his young age he can still hardly see through the darkness.

The room can occupy hundreds of people it is really big. It's just that aside from the four walls and the floor there's nothing else more.

The prisoners here chose to stay silent than bother anything they already lost hope they only thought it's a waste of energy.

Rats freely scattered all around some of them enjoyed the meat of dead bodies lying messily on the floor. Some prisoners with great hunger caught those rats and nibble it alive starting from its head. The same thing goes with the other insects like cockroaches and noisy crickets as well. He bet even mosquitoes,lies and spiders were afraid of entering here.

He tried very hard to move and leaned his back to the cold and dusty wall when his eyes suddenly caught an ugly and disgusting sight not far away from him. His paled face became paler and he will vomit anytime soon. It made him more stressed feeling that his stomach can't let out anything no matter how much he wanted to.

It's been a week since he was put into the hellsome cold place and he thought that was all. He never expected that there's more coming.

There are times when the only thick metallic door opens and before anyone could rejoice thinking they'll be saved anyway, large wolves looking very ferocious and hungry had come in and started chasing after their target prey.
They tried to break free but did not escape meeting their pitiful death.

During those moments of chaos and rampage the youth stayed still and silent on one side without a change in his untroubled unsightly dirty face.

After a few weeks, they were in big trouble again.

This time after eating the plain and flavorless porridge, the body felt uncomfortable and after a few while, the painfully itching skin made them tensed.

They were poisoned and will luckily be able to survive for a few more weeks and die without seeing the outside world.

He sighed leaning on the cold wall while waiting patiently for the day of his death without a change in his nor troubled nor joyous face. He looks completely blank and unchanged.

Two months have passed from the day he was taken here living with the most disgusting things in human history...the ever vomiting smell of human dirt,corpse that keeps on decaying and so much more including those like him called human living corpse that keeps on living with their body slowly decaying.

"Ah! How unfortunate I am!" He thought himself helplessly.

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