All my homies hate Junko

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Lol uh sorry I kinda forgot this exist and I felt very unmotivated- ✌😭

Your POV:

Ah, how nice of Mondo to defend me!

Though, most of them didn't budge- other than Hifumi of course.

"Oh? That just proves just more of my claim" Celeste said

'Wait what'

"They were involved in something weren't they? They've already been involved in multiple troubles." Celeste said as Togami spoke (again)

"I agree with that"

'Wait Togami that isn't your line-'

'How the tables have t a b l e d'

'Renme shut the fuck up-'

"Getting involved with a possible murder, trying to act like a hero yet try to point suspicion to someone who could be completely innocent.
Not to mention them not being so open and is always acting suspicious? Are you sure you AREN'T  the mastermind, Y/n L/n?" Togami said glaring at me

"I-" I tried to speak but I seemed to have pissed off a God because no one is letting me speak.

"Yeah! I also gave sonethin' to say!" Leon spoke

'Oh for fucks sake-'


"I received a letter saying to go to a certain room, but Y/n stopped me and just told me to go. but what I noticed is that they seem to be exhausted- as if they stayed up for a long time. As if they were expecting me..." He said looking at me with suspicion

'Geez, I shouldn't have let you live.'

"How could I have known you were there? I just couldn't sleep and thought to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, that's all" I defended myself

'Oh no, Y/n- that's!-'

"But Y/n...

Didn't Monokuma say that at night, The cafeteria is off-limits?"


'Damnit! I didn't think that through...!'

"W-well ofcourse I knew that! I never mentioned the cafeteria anyways, I already have my own water bottle!" I said starting to get nervous

'Ugh! I'm not ready to confess moi feelings!'


'Renme? Huh, that's wierd...

It's better not to worry about that for now.'

"Then, why did you go out of your room?" Chihiro asked me

"I just wanted to take a small walk. That's all." I crossed my arms and looked at everyone firmly, hoping that they will change their minds

"Y/n, we have clearly stated that we aren't allowed of going out unless necessary! Breaking breaking rules is unacceptable!" Taka yelled

"Puhuhuhuhu! Yes! Very unacceptable!" Monokuma agreed

"Shut up Kura!"

"Its Monokuma!"

"Besides, every morning, you are always the first to leave the cafeteria and we aren't able to find you unless you go to us! What the hell have you been doing anyways!?" 'Junko' yelled probably pissed off


I'm completely cornered!

"I-" I tried to defend myself again but I didn't have time to speak.

"Hmph. You sure have no rebuttal anymore, give up." Togami stated glaring at me

My mind went blank.




. . . . .

Give up?

So soon?

What a joke.

You really are bad at defending yourself, Y/n

L e t   m e   h e l p   y o u
w i t h   t h a t .


For some reason my vision started to fade into black.

R e s t   a s s u r e d , I t ' s  n o t
l i k e  I ' l l  c o m p l e t e l y
t a k e  o v e r .

'You... fine... I'll trust you.'

G r e a t !


3rd person's POV:

Everyone stared at the female/Male as they stood there mildly shocked

Before they looked down.

"Heh, have you finally decided to confess that you're the-" Togami didn't have time to finish his sentence when Y/n spoke again

"Why would I confess to something I clearly didn't do?"

Y/n looked up again, who now looks more determined


Why do they look a but different than before...?

???'s POV:

Geez Y/n can't even defend themselves right, I can't wait to make fun of them later for that!

Oh well, for now, I'll help Y/n with this and make sure that they and the others won't die.

I'll make sure this one will be a success


I҉'l҉l҉  m҉a҉k҉e҉  s҉u҉r҉e҉  t҉h҉a҉t҉ I҉'l҉l҉  b҉e҉  a҉b҉l҉e҉  t҉o҉  b҉r҉e҉a҉k҉  t҉h҉e҉  l҉o҉o҉p҉

t҉h҉i҉s҉  t҉i҉m҉e҉.  T҉h҉a҉t҉'s҉  f҉o҉r҉  s҉u҉r҉e҉.



A/n: hey guys... *nervously chuckles* I know it's been awhile since the last update... and yeah- I'm sorry.

I was busy with my monthly exam and had to study a lot and- yeah basically in short, I had no time to update because of school.

Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter at least!

November 25, 2021



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