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What if I just-
*cutely puts this on hold*
(I'm joking- kinda)
Also Monaca wins 100%

3rd person POV:

Everyone stared at the girl/boy as they looked at everyone in confusion and annoyance

"Hm, is there something on my face?" They spat out

"Heh, it's nothing. I'm sure your silence means you are accepting defeat, yes?" Celeste asked

"Ha! Defeat? As if I'd lose to some stupid argument, I'm not done yet!"

'Sheesh, how did it get to this anyways?'

"H-hey guys... I'm sure they're just doing it for good intentions-" Sayaka tried to defend but n o

"Well duh, Can't you all listen to me?!-" what is this, cut someone's sentence off day?

Anyways, Monokuma interrupted because he's an annoying little-

"Um... so ah...
I'm getting tired of watching you guys argue so pointlessly, 20 minutes left before the voting time!" Monokuma said cheering

Y/n(Renme) comically earned an irk mark on their head and sighed

'Seriously... This is giving me a migraine for some reason.'

"Fine then, how about this. Let us ignore the fact I'm suspicious. What if I told you I were to tell you that she-" Renme pointed at Junko as she looked surprised at the sudden spotlight

"Is not really Junko?"

"Wh- what the hell are you talking about?"

(A/N: okay so i lost track of where the hell are we in the story so me, being the person who doesn't like going back at the story- I'll just pretend Y/n already found the secret room and got those evidence because.)

"Well, you see.
I found that in this school, there is a secret student hiding here." Renme said, clearly being smug for some reason

Most of the people in the trial room looked shocked, other than the ones that always investigate with the all-knowing main character(yayyyy😐)

"Is there really...?" Sayaka asked

Renme nod and began the speech,
"Mukuro Ikusaba, the 16th Student, lying hidden somewhere in this school... the one they call the Ultimate Despair, Watch out for her."

'Aiya, why couldn't you just change it a bit?' Y/n, the character for some reason the author almost forgot, asked with a disappointed sigh

'Blame the-'


'-i just felt like saying the same thing as the original, that's all'

"That's right. She has certain measurements that most likely matches up to Junko" Kyoko spoke up

"So, you're saying that this chick is the mastermind?!" Mondo is shocked, obviously.

"Not necessarily, i have a feeling she might not be the mastermind, but is working for them." Makoto said as i nodded, wanting to add more evidence because yeesh it took forever to think what should happen.

"Besides, even if she were to be the mastermind, why would she still have to make a disguise?"

'Hm, what else to out as evidence?'

"Ah, that's true now that i think about it!" Leon said, still clearly confused

"So what?! You think I'm part of this messed up game just because of my measurements?!" 'Junko' said

'So she's not giving up huh?'

'Well, to be fair a soldier doesn't give up that easily'

'Fair enough'

"Well, do you have any rebuttal for that then?" Renme said with their arms crossed mentally grinning

"I...! Well...!" She does not have a rebuttal for that.

"Hey hey! Its almost voting time so you kids better choose who to vote now or all of you will die!" Monokuma said laughing

'Boi if you don't get yo-'

"So we shall vote for Junko, right?" Chihiro, the baby boi question to confirm

"Yep, I'm truly sure Junko Enoshima is the mastermind. You agree with that, right Makoto?" Makoto nodded at their question


After choosing our votes, We waited for the verdict


It was correct!


"Puhuhu! I'm truly even surprised you got that right!" Monokuma laughed

Smoke suddenly appeared around Monokuma

And appeared the final boss battle.

Lo and behold, the Ultimate Despair, Junko Enoshima standing right infront of everyone with her very iconic pose.


Oh man. Final exams are near.


Lots of thanks for people who are reading and upvoting this story! Honestly just kinda wrote this as a little joke but i never expected a lot of people reading this story.

Also im suprises when i remembered i started this at 2020.


Anyways, bonk.

May 27, 2022



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