Chapter 3- The Meeting

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Okay, back to the story. Well, to Emmaline, EMitchell47's suggestion that they meet seems wonderful. She felt like she already knew him! But there was that nagging feeling again, the voice telling her NO!!!!!!!!!!RED FLAG!!!!!!!!!!. So they arranged to meet at Camden Park, a quiet park that would perfect, on Tuesday. {See ya tomorrow then?😉} He signed off with. Emmaline sighed, regretting that her only friend had to go, and that she was stuck with her moody father. "Em and M! Come down for supper, hon!" her dad called from the foot of the steps. Groaning rebelliously, but knowing that only her best behavior could ensure her meeting with EMitchell47, who she had learned real name was Mikael, she headed downstairs. At the dinner table, all she could think about was her meeting, fantasizing what his voice would sound like as she picked at her still partially frozen peas. She was in a daze all evening, and when she finally headed upstairs for bed, she could hardly sleep in excitement.

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