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☆~Y/N'S POV~☆

Alright, I'll be honest.

I didn't have much food anymore.

I depended on Dream to get me food since I didn't know how to hunt and I can never bring myself to harm an animal. I knew how to gather berries and plant crops but it's hard to grow anything in this place and I can't live on berries forever. I was way too shy to ask the others for help, They might think I'm useless. That thought haunted me but as I got lost in my train of thought I found myself standing on Techno's porch. I wondered how I got there and I was about to leave then the door opened

Techno:"Oh, Hello Y/N why are you here?"

He asked so kindly, I decided I was already there and I shouldn't waste his time and just ask

Y/N:"Uhm, I don't have any more food. Can you teach me how to hunt?"

I asked sheepishly, I looked up at him

Techno:"You don't know how to hunt?"

Y/N:"Don't judge! I usually have an older cousin who helps me with food"

Techno:"I'm not judging, I'll teach you."


Techno:"Yeah, Now hurry there aren't alot of mobs here."

He walked off and I followed behind him


After walking for who knows how long, We reached a plain field where there were so many animals, Techno pulled out his sword and I copied him, He went up to a herd of cows while I followed, He stabbed one and the other cows ran away, I cringed at the sight of blood and a dead animal, Techno was knealing over the cow and looked up at me

Techno:"What are you waiting for? Either go chase the other ones or you go find a different animal to kill"

I looked at him with a confused and shocked expression, He looked behind me and I turned around to see what he was glaring at, It was a chicken.

Techno:"Since you're so scared of killing, I'm sure a chicken would be easy enough for you"

He said in a mocking tone

Y/N:"Hey! I can definetely kill bigger animals!"

Techno:"Then do it"

He pointed to a flock of sheep

Y/N:"Fine I'll kill the chicken!"

I said stomping over to the direction of the chicken, I heard Techno let out a chuckle as I walked away

I walked near the chicken and just remembered what I had to do. My heart was beating quickly either out of excitement or fear, I have never done this before and I don't know how to do it so I slowly lifted my sword and looked away as I swung it towards the chicken, I heard it let out clucking noise and when I looked back it was all blood. I was shaking as I put my sword back in it's holster.

I heard footsteps come near me and I felt a bloody hand on my shoulder

Techno:"Just remember, You killed it for a reason."

He leaned down and grabbed the dead chicken

Techno:"Alright let's head back to my place and we can cook them"

He walked off with the dead cow over his shoulder and the chicken in his hand, I walked behind him still a bit shaken


I zoned out a bit until Techno snapped his fingers infront of me

Techno:"Hey, You okay?"

Y/N:"Uh, Yeah I'm fine"

Techno:"Good because the chicken's done"

Y/N:"Oh, Then I better head off"

He grabbed the chicken out of the furnace and I took it from his hand, Then I left

I got home and laid in my bed as I drifted into my thoughts

Y/N:"Is it weird that I enjoyed that?"

I thought to myself and I fell asleep


A few weeks after the lesson with Techno, I've started hunting on my own I think of it as a way to channel my anger towards everything that's happened to me so far, One day I was just walking home with a sack of dead animals then I bumped into a certain someone

Y/N:"Ow! watch where you're going!"

I said as I fell to the snow

/////:"Sorry, Sorry, I didn't mean to-"

They stopped abruptly, I looked up at the person and we made eye contact

Y/N:"Oh my god, Fundy?!"


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