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"Light, stop!" I run outside the house because I couldn't believe this.

I've been lied to for months. "Light, will you please listen to me?" Owen asked causing me to stop and turn around.

I look at him with tears in my eyes. "Why should I? It's just gonna be another lie that comes out of your mouth." I pick at him.

I could tell that hurt him. And I honestly don't care if I hurt him or not. He did the worst thing he could've done.

"You lied to me for months about who you were." I was trying really hard to not cry.

He had tears in his eyes too. "That was the only thing I lied to you about. I promise." He begged me.

"How am I supposed to know that?" I ask half angry. I could tell he was getting upset.

"I've looked up to you. I've told you things that I don't tell anyone else." I felt so betrayed.

Like this was all a game. "You promised to me multiple times that you weren't catfishing me." I start to cry, tears running down my face.

"Light, I'm sorry. Just please let me explain everything." I could hear his voice crack when he spoke.

"I flew all the way out here to meet you." I just shook my head. I was going to say something.

But the door opened up revealing Gage. "It's freezing out, what are you doing?" Owen turned to look at him.

And then back at me. Gage noticed I was crying and looked at Owen. "Is he bothering you?" Gage asked seriously.

I shook my head. "I'm coming back inside." I start to walk up the steps but I turned to look at Owen.

"You can stay if you want. I just need time to process this." He looked sadden.

But he also looked liked he understood. I could feel his stare on me as I walked back inside.

I feel like such an idiot.

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