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I flew in early this morning and it's been great so far. I've spent the last few hours with Owen and it's been amazing.

He made me food, we watched a movie or two, and just hung out.

We were currently on his couch, waiting for the boys to get here.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous. I love Charlie.

I've been watching him in Julie and the Phantoms for months and I love his character.

So I'm very nervous to meet him in person even though we text all the time.

But with Jeremy, it's different. He's a legend. I've been watching him since he was in Adventure Time.

And that was out years ago. So of course I'm nervous. But it made me think.

If I can be around Owen just fine knowing he's my celebrity crush, I can be around those two just fine.

As we were sitting there talking, I heard the door open up.

I guess Owen saw me tense up and placed his hand on my knee which instantly calmed me down.

"Where is she?" I hear Charlie ask while walking in. They both made eye contact with me which made me smile.

I quickly jump up and run into his arms. I can't believe I'm in the same room with all the phantoms.

When I pulled away from Charlie, I hugged Jeremy. Everyone's right, Charlie's shorter in person.

"Madi's right. You do give off five-four vibes." I joke with Charlie when I pull away from Jeremy.

He glares at me as we all sit together. Owen was laughing on the couch.

"We haven't even been here a minute and she's already swinging." Jeremy laughs.

The next few hours were spent by the boys catching up and telling me stories.

It was honestly perfect being here with the guys. I just can't wait for them to meet Paige one day.

After meeting them, I can tell that we're gonna get really close.

And as for Owen and I, our story is just beginning.

the end

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