chapter 7: 7 minutes in heaven

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chapter 7: 7 minutes in heaven

"Naname... Naname!!!!!"

"Huh, what"

"Wake up" said Kairi

"Ugh what time is it" I said shading my eyes from the sun seeking from outside

"Its 10:00 now get up"

I got up and got dressed

"hey where Sora" I asked Kairi

"Ooooooo Naname"

"Shut up"

"Rude" said Kairi crossing her arms

"Just tell me already" I said having memories of last night

"He's with Riku unpacking the fishing poles" She said

As soon as Kairi told me i shot out the tent.

"Mornin" The guys said looking at me

"Naname help me get out!" said Kairi struggling in the tent

"You're such a moron" I said helping Kairi get out

"But im your moron" Kairi sticking her head out

"Yeah" I said shruging my shoulders

"Hurry up" Said Sora smiling and handing me a fishing pole.

Then we walked to the lake where me and Sora swam last night

"Kairi and Riku go on that side and Naname and I will go on this side"

"Why cant we sit all together?" Asked Kairi

"Because we will catch more fish this way" explained Sora

We all went to go sit where Sora told us and just waited paciently

"Sora" I said breaking the silence


"What happened last night" I asked

He sat silent for a while

"Well, first you took out some marshmellos and then Kairi tackled you for them and you fell to the ground so then I helped you up and then Riku handed us sticks to roast our marshmellos but he acted kind of weird and then Kairi and Riku went to sleep after Riku spent a good half an hour chasing Kairi around the campsite then you laied down and fell asleep so i carried you into the tent and i went back outside to keep the fire going" He said taking a huge breath at the end

"oh" i said with  little smile which faded quickly

"Why whats wrong" Sora asked looking at me

"No reason" I said still looking down into the water thinking "It never happened it was just all a dream he doesnt love me" with tears about to roll down my cheek

"Naname" Sora said lifting my chin up but then something hard pulled on my fishing pole

"I think i got some thing!"I yelled pulling it in as hard as i could but it was stronger than i was. Sora helped me pull it up. After a good while of  Sora and I tugging and Riku and Kairi motivating us by screaming we finally pulled a huge fish up.

"Why are you crying" whispered Sora in my ear. Then i touched my cheek that had a drop of water.

"It must have been when we were pulling the fish up" I lied

" Dont lie to me" Sora whispered in my ear again

" Im not!" I yelled taking a huge step back but that was a huge mistake. I was already on the edge of the dock and that step made me fall into the water. When i just barely touched the floor i tried to swim up but something was caught around my leg. I struggled to get up but i couldnt. I pulled and tugged but nothing seemed to do it. I couldnt hold my breath any more. Everything began getting dark my body just let go.

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