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'RRRggg, I hate these dreams " I said throwing a pillow to the wall with anger but then i herd a knock on the door.

"Umm are you okay?" Asked Sora with a confused look

"Yeah" I said getting up quickly and walking out

"Wait where are you going"


"Are you sure you dont want me to walk you there" He said coming after me

"No." I said quite angry but I wasnt mad at him im mad at myself. "What the hell is wrong with me i dont want him." I thought to myself

"Wait" Sora said grabbing my arm and pulling me toward him

"What" I said pissed off

"Why are  you so angry at me"

"Im not" I said

"Doesn't seem like it" He said giving me a smirk

"Just let me go" I said tugging away

"Why have to be like that"

"Like what huh"


"You know what just leave me alone" I said finally walking away. As i walked i stopped being mad and i started to feel depressed. My heart felt like it was hollow, i felt that i'm just not ment to be here. I can't take being here anymore. I walked to the train station and took the train for about any hour. Then i got out and took off my shoes to walk on the sandy beach. I walked for a few minutes and then i reached it. The cave Sora and I found the day we first came. I walked in not caring how dark it was. I walked all the way to the end of the cave and sat down with my knees to my chests.

"Why doesn't he love me?" I asked myself with a tear rolling down my cheek. I didn't care to wipe it off so i just left it. It started to become pretty cloudy outside, and then to started to rain softly. Then the rain started to come down so heavy i couldn't see anything outside the cave. Suddenly i heard my phone ring. I looked at the caller I.D. It was Sora but i just hung up. He kept on calling. My heart was filled with so much anger and sadness I threw my phone out the cave. I just sat there for about an hour and a half thats when i heard it.

"Naname" Said a familliar voice.  I stayed in silence hoping to reconize the voice.

"Naname" Said the voice coming closer. This tiime i could hear it was a males voice

"Naname are you in here" Said a boy coming closer with each step to me. The cave waas quite dark but every time he came closer i could see better who it was. The black pants, the brown spikey hair, and the crown necklace.

"Sora?" I said confused that he would be here.

"What are you doing here" He said kneeling down nexxt to me

"Shouldn't i be asking you the same thing" I said still acting like quite a bitch

"I came looking for you and while we're here and you cant go anywhere i really need to talk to you about something" Sora said making me look away.

"Well i don't want to talk" I said getting up

"Where are you going" Sora said looking up at me

"Not here" I said walking toward the entrence of the cave.

 "You can't go out there"

"Watch me" I said walking out into the rain. The wind was so strong that i almost fell to the ground but i was strong enough to keep standing. I tried to get to where the train station was but i didn't even know where i was going. The waves were coming up closer and closer. I tried to push against the wind and the ran but then a wave hit me and mad me collaps under water. I tried to swim up but the waves kept pulling me in. I finally was able to reach the top. I was so far away from the shore.

"HELP!!!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

"NANAME!" I heard from a distance

"SORA!!" I yelled with the las bit of strength i had left. My body was so tired i couldn't work any more. "I love you" I whispered and then my body just gave up. My eyes closed and i stopped.

Is This a Dream or Is It for Real(Kingdom Hearts Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now