Chapter 5: Camping

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:Chapter 5: Camping

I had to do something. I wanted him so much.

" No wait what am i saying get yourself out of there he is your friend" I thought and then pushed myself out of the indent. Sora was still grabbing on to me so he fell on top of me.

"Hehe isn't this vise versa" He said stareing at me with his blue eye and leaning in closer. I had to do something my heart was beating to fast. I rolled over to the side which made Sora fall he other way. I got up as soon as i could.

"The point of the game is to hide, right" said Kairi

"Shut up Kairi" said Sora

"It's getting kind of late and we have to get stuff for the camping trip so yeah come on Kairi"

"But it's barley 4:00" whinned Kairi

"Come on lets go" I said hesitating Kairi. Finally we made it to my house and i packed some cloth to stay at Kairi's and for the camping trip. Then something made me pick out my small PJ shorts and a tank-top that just shows my belly. Most of my cloth was for hot wheather ( in other words alot of skin showing).Finally when I was done me and Kairi set off to her place. Once we were at Kairi's house we went of to the stores to buy supplies. Then we went back to Kairi's house. When we got back it was about 9:00 pm.

"Soooo what were you and Sora doing while I was seaching" asked Kairi with a grin

"Nothing" I said thinking of how me and Sora were so close together the feeling of his arms around me.

"Sure it was nothing" said Kairi

"Oh just hurry up I'm tired and want to go to sleep" I said.

"But I dont know what jeans to wear" said Kairi holding up 5 pair of jeans

"Really Kairi we're going camping not to a fashion show" I said with my eye lids slowly dropping down

After what seemed like and hour the sound of a familiar voice woke me up " Wake up Naname we're going to be late the guys are already at the hideout."

"Just five more minutes" I said turning over.

"No get up now"

"Fine mom" I said managing to get a little giggle

I finally got dressed and got my hair fixed. After that we went to the hideout .

"Hey what took you so long" said Riku in his T-shirt.

"Oh be quiet it was only a few minutes and lazy head over here didn't want to wake up" explained Kairi pointing at me.

"Okay Okay enough talking lets go" said Sora walking out the door. I thought he was md at me from yesterday but i manage to get a glips of him smiling and looking at me.

After a few minutes on the train we stepped out on to the forest. Then we went to a nice clear spot were we set up the big tent. Okay the boys did but we asked to help.

"Wow it's starting to get dark fast, I think I should go get some" I said

"Here I'll go with you" said Riku

After we went pretty deep in the woods we finally got some nice and dry wood. Then me and Riku started walking back but then he pushed me against a tree which made me drop the wood I was carrying.

"What are yo-" I said being inturrupted by Riku kissing me. His kiss was rough ut there was somethng about it that made me kiss back. Then his kiss got deeper and he started to take of my tank-top, and he slowly started to unbutton my shorts. Thats when I thought "Wait what the hell am I doing. What the hell is he doing?"

Then I slapped him. "What the hell are you doing" i said grabbing my tank-top and rebuttoning my shorts.

"Don't you want do act just a little naught " He said grabbing me and pulling me closer again.

"No i don't want to act naughty and not with you" I said picking up the wood of the floor and walking away.

"Oh and by the way nice-"

"Shut the hell up" I said inturrupting him

After a few minutes of walking i got back to the camp site.

"Hey what took you so long?" asked Sora

"Oh just wanted to becareful" I said refering to Riku

"And where's Riku I think he's trying to get more wood than he already has" I lied.


This is not the end just tune in tomorrow bye!

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