Chapter Eight

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"Oh, this is great!" Liam said. "It's bad enough you don't listen to me, and that you date him, and now you start to go on walks with him!"
"That's what a date is." I said.
"Shut up."He said
"Don't tell me to shut up." I said.
"Leave us alone." Scott said.
"No, how about you leave me alone!" Liam said, pushing Scott so he fell.
Scott looked up at Liam, and his eyes turned bright red. Liam's turned yellow. They started to fight.
I had no idea what was happening, so I grabbed my phone and called Gracen.
"Yellow?" She said.
"It's Amarra. Something happened and u need you to come to the woods." I said.
"What woods?"
"Ask Stiles. He probably knows."
"What happened?"
"I don't really know. Scott and I ran into Liam and they got into a fight, but they're eyes turned red and yellow."
"Oh. Well, I'm on my way."
There was a minute of silence on the phone when I herd Gracen say, "Omg Stiles! How long does it take you get pants on? I'm already dressed!"
"I'm still here Gracen." I said, sort of weirded out.
"And, what did you think we were doing, playing chess? Actually chess is a fun game. We should play some time." She said.
"Where on our way." Stiles said into the phone.
Gracen hung up the phone.
I looked back to see Scott and Liam still fighting, but they're eyes were back to normal.
Not even five minutes later, Gracen and Stiles appeared beside me.
"How did you get here so fast?" I asked.
"That doesn't matter." Gracen said.
I looked back at Scott and Liam to see them both in... werewolf form?
It was so weird. It's nothing like I've read about werewolves. Scott and Liam still were human, but their faves were like wolves.
"I told you he was a werewolf." Gracen said to me.
"This is not the time." I said.
Stiles ran up to Scott and pushed him back away from Liam.
"Calm down!" He was saying.
Scott calmed down and looked at me. I ran up and hugged him tightly. "Don't scare me like that." I whispered.
He laughed and said "I promise that's my only secret."
I let go and walked over to Liam. He was about to talk when I hugged him to. "You're like my brother. You'll always be my best friend." I said, and let go. "Is that okay?"
He nodded his head.
I then ran over to Scott and grabbed his hand, dragging him into the woods, leavening Stiles Gracen, and Liam all stuns at what just happened.

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