Chapter Twenty-one

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(Scott's POV)

Liam and Amarra went out for the day. I was really jealous.
"Maybe you should do something to forget about your anger." Stiles said to me. We were still at Gracen and Amarra's house.
"Yah, like take a walk or kill someone or-" Gracen said.
"He doesn't kill people. He can't kill people. If he does, he won't be a true alpha." Stiles said.
"Oh, what's a true alp-" Gracen started but I cut her off.
"I'll fallow them. To make sure he's not doing anything." I said.
"Why. Why would you do that. You know that's a bad idea, your going to do it aren't you?" Stiles said.
"I'll go after Peter then." I said.
"Yes, make him pay for what he did to my mother. Rip his throat out and squash his heart into a million tiny pieces." Grace said.
Stiles and I looked at her weirdly.
"What?" She said.
"Are you always like this?" I asked.
"With all the nightmares I've had, I can get pretty gruesome thoughts."
"And he can't kill." Stiles said.
"Right. Well, go find Peter. Don't worry about us, we'll be fine." Gracen said, as I walked to the door.
"Don't kill any pedestrians!" She said.
"I can't kill people." I reminded her, closing the door, behind me.

I walked for about in hour around Beacan Hills. Thinking of all the places Peter could be.
I have ruled out Derek's loft about thirty times. Could he be there? Derek wouldn't tolarate that. Would he? No. But would he?
For the past ten minutes, all I've been doing is repeatedly walk by Derek's loft, debating weather to go in or not.
It can't hurt to try.
I entered the loft a spilt second later, to see Peter, stilling on Derek's couch, reading.
"What are you doing here?" I asked.
"Reading." He replied.
"Has Derek been helping you?" I asked.
"If you mean I refused to leave until I pushed him to the limit and he freaked at me and I've been sneaking in here for food and stuff, then yes."
"So were is Derek?"
"Covering up the story of how Halle Pierce died."
"You have no idea what you did. Amarra's sister almost killed herself because of you."
"Really, how?"
"She held her breath."
"Seems childlike for someone her age."
"Yah well, she still is a child. Amarra says she doesn't want to grow up and have responsaitys and stuff."
"What's her name?"
"Why am I telling you this?"
"I don't know."
I could here footsteps coming up the stairs.
"Derek's back." I said.
The door to the loft opened, and Derek stepped in.
"What are you doing back here?" Derek asked.
"He's been sneaking in for food and stuff." I said.
"And I'm proud." Peter said.
"Call your friends. They need to know he's here." Derek said to me.
I called Amarra first. "Yes?" She said.
"Well, that's a lovely way to answer and phone." I said.
"Stop flirting and tell her!" Derek said.
"What? What's going on?" She asked.
"We found Peter."

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