Chapter Eighteen

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(Scott's POV)

I had my arms around Amarra's waist. I was pretending to sleep. Her heart beat was steady and her breathes were slow. Are hands were linked and I had my head rested on her shoulder. With each breath I took, I could smell the sweet scent of her hair. I was in love with Amarra. I have never loved anyone as much as I love her.
Yah, Liam was still into her, and yah I still didn't like him for that. I knew that she would never leave me, for anyone. Well, unless something happened and she had to move again then we would probably break up. I couldn't handle a long distance relationship. It would hurt to much not to see her every day or only have to talk on the phone or text.
After a few more minutes of laying in Amarra's bed with her, I herd something coming from downstairs.
I sat up really fast, waking up Amarra.
"What happened?" She said, yawning.
"Someone's downstairs." I said, slowly getting out of the bed, with Amarra fallowing.
I walked downstairs to the main level of the house. Then I went to the stairs that lead to the basement. Slowly walking down them, Amarra squeezed my hand.
I could hear footsteps coming from the other side of the basement. Then there was the sound of a flower vase smashing and someone saying "Shit!" Then I heard someone shushing someone. The voices sounded familiar to me.
"Gracen?" Amarra called out.
"Marra?" Someone said.
I turned the lights on to see Gracen and Stiles standing at the edge of the basement wall with a smashed flower vase at there feet.
Gracen and Amarra stared laughing. I looked at Amarra, questioningly.
"Why are you laughing?" Stiles and I said at the same time.
"I don't know." Gracen said.
"What are you doing?" Aryanna asked.
"Well," Gracen started. "Stiles was driving and relished he didn't have any condoms on him, so I knew that mom has a stash down here incase she gets lucky with any of her dates. So we came back, and you locked the door. I didn't have a key and I didn't want to interrupt you and Scott, because I'm nice like that, so I snuck in through the basement window." She pointed above her head to show an open window. "So, we'll just get what we need and leave."
Gracen disappeared for a minute and came back.
"Let's go." She said, dragging Stiles upstairs, with Amarra and I fallowing.
We said bye and Amarra shut the door behind them.
"What are we going to do now, because I'm wide awake." She said.
"I don't know." I said, shrugging and grabbing her hand.
She put her arms around my neck and started kissing me before the phone rang.
"Do you mind?" She asked.
I smiled and shook my head no.
"Hello?" She said answering to phone. Her face fell as she responded to a question with yes.
Amarra looked at me, tears forming in her eyes.
"My mothers dead."

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