calling all paladins... except for Lance

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This is partly edited by the way so I apologize in advance.

I sat on the cold tiles of the green paladin's bathroom floor, eyes filled with tears. I hear the bathroom door nob turn, accompanied by a small knock as the door is slowly opened revealing a small figure. Normally I would panic and try to hide the fact that I am crying but I couldn't be bothered. As Pidge approaches me and opens their mouth to speak, I point to the sink; Where the positive pregnancy test lay, before they could ask the question I already saw coming. They simply look at it and sympathy instantly poured into their eyes. Pidge takes a seat on the cold floor next to me and offers an arm out, they were offering comfort, the comfort that I desperately needed. I took the offer, it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. The weight of being in this alone, but I wasn't alone. I have Pidge and Shiro and Hunk, I also have Coran and Allura but I don't think they know much about human pregnancies, or male human pregnancies at that, no one knows about it. I was scared about whether I had Lance... If I wasn't 100% ready, surely he wouldn't be, but then again he does have alot of younger siblings... So maybe? I hope. Suddenly I was snapped out of my thoughts by Pidge's voice.

"Are you going to tell him?" They asked.

"Huh?" Was all that escaped my lips.

"Are you going to tell Lance?" They questioned again.

"I- I don't know..." I said quietly.

"He deserves to know, he loves kids after all," Pidge said, they were right but Keith didn't want to acknowledge that.

"We had an argument a few hours ago and I haven't seen him since. That will be one hell of a conversation," I say rolling my eyes. " 'Hey, I know we had a huge argument a few hours ago and when you saw me crying you did nothing but guess what I'm pregnant and you took my virginity so guess who's the daddy!' " I say in a mock-like tone of voice finishing the sentence with some awkward finger guns.

"Wow, that was a lot unloaded in less then a minute," Pidge said blinking "why don't we go get some ice cream for you and then discuss whether or not and how you are going to tell the baby daddy, hmm?"

I smiled at the thought of a delicious treat and avoiding my problems for now.

"Sure," is all I had to say and Pidge shot up then helped me up. I take one last glance at the test and then look down at my belly giving it a small rub and whispering "I hope everything will be OK little bean."


As me and Pidge finish our ice cream a certain Latino boy walks in and the room goes still. He looks at Pidge and then me, taking a small sip of his water then screwing the lid back on and looking up again.

"Ok what the hell is going on?" He questions almost angrily.

Pidge looked at me and mouthed something. 'I have the test' panic ran through my system.

"No." I say sternly at them.

"Keith, you had time to think and time to relax and quite frankly, I can't be your only support. You have to tell him and you know you do. He deserves to know, now stop feeling sorry for yourself and being so immature about this whole situation and talk like the adults that you are." They spat back, they were right.

"I deserve to know what? What are you hiding from me Keith?' Lance questioned again, brow furrowed.

I sigh and simply nod to Pidge and they hand me the test that is wrapped in toilet paper.

"Lance, come here and please don't freak out," I say.

He walks over quickly with a calm face and I untangle the stick from its current cushioning. I hand it to him and watch his face go from inquisitive to shock to happy and then settle at confused.

"But you're a guy. If this is a sick joke I'm going to be pissed, you know how much I would love to have my own child, do you?" He said.

"It was the whole curse thing and no, I didn't. I wish you mentioned that earlier so I didn't have to worry about whether or not you would leave me and my baby!" I said slightly raising my voice towards the end.

"Wait, you're actually pregnant?!" Lance said excitedly seeming to miss the whole rant that Keith just went on.

"Whether I want to be or not, yes I am." I say bitterly at the fact my worries were ignored.

I stood to put my bowl in the sink but before I had the chance to grab my bowl and spoon I was being spun around in the air by a giggling, Latino boy named Lance.

"Oh my fucking god baby, I'm going to be a dad!" He exclaimed placing me down gently. " We're going to be dads!"

I simply smiled and placed a small kiss on his nose, placing a hand on my stomach.

Just you, me and your daddy against the world my little bean. Nothing will stop us, nothing.

Awww how cute. Don't we all love a happy ending.

Word count: 938

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