For The Love Of Zarkon

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Hi yes it is I and I have been lazy!!!

Quickly here is a shout out to that one person who voted for my author's note in the chapter before this, comment here and I will shout you out properly. The same goes for others who vote as well.

Mind refresh time!!!

"Oh. My. Lord." Lance said trying to keep is voice at the same pitch while dealing with the sight in front of him.

Mind refresh time over!!!

"What the hell Lance?" Keith asked confused and frustrated with the boy  in front of me for his stupidity. I mean sure keith was a good looking young,  gay man but there is no need to act so dumb. Wait, this is Lance he is thinking about, wait no, he is not thinking of Lance this leads to other parts of Keith's body to stand up, literally. WAIT! WHAT THE F- oof that hurt- AM I THINKING? Keith was snapped out of his extremely *coughs* (no bish i aint got corona its sarcasm) bizarre thoughts buy Lances voice.

"I- uh- um- y-" Lance stuttered trying to form a sentence but failing every time he opened his mouth. "Mirror." Was all he could choke out.

Keith stared at the Cuban boy extremely confused as his mind pieced everything together,

"You want me to look in the mirror?" Kogane asked Lance with confusion and frustration apparent in his voice as well as written all over his face.

The only response keith received was a fast nod yes from McLain.

He walked speedily to the closest door that looked like a bathroom and his guess was right, but putting that aside what keith saw in what he thinks is his reflection was the most terrifying thing he had ever seen in his life. His reflection stared back at keith but it wasn't keith...

"I'M A GIRL?!" he shouted, more a rhetoric question than a general question but we all know, or atleast keith knows, that there is no such thing as a rhetoric question to Lance because he of course he had to respond.

"Um, it looks like it," he said then mumbled something so quietly under his breath that only a mouse could hear it, "And a pretty hot one at that."

With that being said lets get a dicription of the now gender bent Keith.

As both of the boys stared at the mirror. Keith took in every aspect of his or rather her body, first observing her face and hair, she had straight, black, waist-length hair. A rounder face and smooth jaw, her eyes still the shape she had as her male self except  her irises were larger, and more of a Royal Purple than her male self's Cyber Purple eyes. her lips wider and seemingly more plump than her male self's lips. If she were straight and not in this body her male self would be absolutely tempted to kiss them, but he is neither. (669 words) her eye brows were the shape of an Instagram models, the same colour as her hair, jet black. She then went on to observe her body, she wore a cropped top that clung to her tightly, her male self's classic red, yellow and white cropped jacket as well as some gray denim shorts and wore her male self's iconic red, yellow and white knee-high boots. Her gloves still there and in the same design as her male self's pair. Her cropped top revealed her toned abs she trained for in her male self's body, she was incredibly slim and you could see most of the muscle her male self had created from the constant training he did. She didn't have much of boobs, they would have been around a B or C cup and her butt was a decent size, not to big nor was it completely flat either. Wait how did he know all of this? He never had a female figure in his life or had any interest in girls.

"For the love of Zarkon, stop drooling lance," Keith said noticing Lance was staring with his lips slightly parted and a slight spot of drool could be spotted on the corner of his mouth.

"W- what?! I was not drooling! Not over you anyway!" He argued being caught completely off guard.

"Sure, sure." I say in a teasing manner and walk out the room and for some unknown reason, making sure to swing my hips. For some strange reasons i wanted to arouse Lance, is this just a female thing?

The time flew buy with conversations between the two, Keith being sassy, Lance finding Keith's sassyness sexy making him attracted to her/him more and more. They found a board game around 5pm and decided to play it.

"It says here that we have to find out who murdered the host of the party, what was their murder weapon and where the murder happened," Keith explained. (They're playing Cluedo btw and don't worry this won't lead to them finding a serial killer and being murdered, i promise)

"Oh OK, Veronica played this with me once, I know what to do," Lance said then continued on to flirting "You could say I'm pretty experienced." He did his iconic finger guns.

"Dear lord, lance do you understand that every time you do those stupid finger guns you convince me more and more that you are extremely Bi?" Keith said standing up and walking over to the kitchen. "Oh and do you want anything to drink or eat while I'm over here?" Keith asked going into the pantry and pulling out a packet of marshmallows, a hot cocoa mixture packet, a bag of sugar and then he retrived a mug from one of the higher cupboards.

"Um, sure. A coffee and possibly some chips, please?" Lance asked.

"Coming right up" Keith replied playfully.

She soon returned to the reasonably big coffee table in the center of the lounge room where their board game was set up with her hot cocoa with marshmallows and Lance's coffee and salt and vinegar chips. Placing each drink in front of it's designated person and then putting the packet of chips in front of the Cuban boy.

"Thanks keith, um, I'm just wondering.... What are your pronouns now?" Lance asked.

It took keith about 10 seconds to answer, why 10 seconds you ask? Well that is the time she took to sit down.

"Well um, she, her, he, him. Either one doesn't phase me, I'm not trans nor did i choose to become a girl but my mindset has changed along with this body so my mind refers to myself as him, he or she, her," Keith explained quickly.

"OK, nice to know," lance said.

OK I'm gonna stop there because i am so tired rn and need to edit this.

Word count: 1313 words.

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